A request to the "new" DIR advocates

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Jeblis once bubbled...

Well put, but as with religion you don't need to be a total nut case to feel superior or in the right. Anytime a person feels they are enlightened and sees the truth they tend to feel superior...which is normal human nature. What really pisses people off though is when a person *acts* superior.

(NOTE that this is a general statement not pointed at any one person..or for that matter organization...take your pick DIR, Christianity, Branch Dividians, PETA....)

That describes a "ZEALOT".
people expect that DIR divers (or for that matter PADI, NAUI, etc..) would act as a unified group? They are all individuals who share a common view of diving, they aren't in the same socio-economic class, religion, racial or ethinic heritage, or even country of origin.

To assume that "DIR Advocates" will ever act consistently seems incredibly unrealistic. Add in the factor that there are undoubtedly "lurkers" attempting to discredit GUE and this turns into much ado about nothing.

Unfortunately in life, there are miscreants everywhere and it does not matter what their t-shirt says on it.

The best I can tell from reading the posts on here and rec.scuba is that "some" DIR divers need the feeling of affinity and superiority. "Some" non-DIR divers need to feel like their decision to not dive DIR needs to be defended. The vast majority of us are open to learn from what GUE, PADI, NAUI, SSI, YMCA, ?? have to offer without a strong need for validation.


P.S. I just got through listening to a Dr. Phil tape :bonk:
Braunbehrens once bubbled...
DIR is a perfectly logical and rational system.

A lot of the DIR stuff seems pretty well thought out, but most stuff in DIR is not new and was developed within the Tech community over many years (long before DIR existed). One of the problems I have wih it is that it seems pretty static in it's configuration. There are many things that are used in the commercial/military diving that are safer than DIR. DIR seems unwilling to accept these.
Jeblis once bubbled...

There are many things that are used in the commercial/military diving that are safer than DIR. DIR seems unwilling to accept these.

I'm not trolling...do you have some examples of configurations or things which commercial/military divers do differently which you can expand upon. I'm genuinely interested in understanding what types of things you are refering to.
bwerb once bubbled...
I'm not trolling...do you have some examples of configurations or things which commercial/military divers do differently which you can expand upon.
How about 70# weight belt, no fins, FFM, surface supplied air and a big waterjet to blow holes in the bottom (instantly destroying viz.)


How about a single diver down on a rope tether sweeping the bottom while following line signals from his tender with a stanby diver sitting at waters edge ready to go in.
The DIR quest list run by GUE has created this "monster" by facilitating and indirectly validating the type of foolish macho interaction that takes place on their lists.

Now that GUE is expanding its horizons into more frequent DIRF course offerings and potentially a BOW course someday, they are obviously worried about the bad PR that Questlist zealots create when they run around the internet acting like George Irvine.

While I appreciate Mike's message -- I guess I would ask GUE to take a harder look in the mirror on this issue.

I am a DIR supporter and have taken a class with Mike -- my impressions of him and everyone else I've met IN PERSON associated with DIR and GUE have been 100% positive and professional.....that being said, I think GUE shares in the responsibility to help keep the internet monsters it has created in check, not only here on scubaboard, but on Quest and other lists as well.

My $0.02.
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

How about 70# weight belt, no fins, FFM, surface supplied air and a big waterjet to blow holes in the bottom (instantly destroying viz.)


How about a single diver down on a rope tether sweeping the bottom while following line signals from his tender with a stanby diver sitting at waters edge ready to go in.

Hmm...I wonder if we've ever seen any "interesting" professional set-up's recently? :wink:

I know you know what I mean UP but... I was hoping Jeblis could share his opinion of what are some of these "better/safer" set-ups which would be easily translated to rec or tech diving and are ignored by DIR...haven't heard any earth shattering ideas yet.

Next dive out...can we dive with pony's too?:eek:ut:
jepuskar once bubbled...
What is quest and where do I find it?

If quest is a DIR discussion forum, does that mean my computer has to have certain hardware before I get an account?

Your computer MUST be equipped with some form of communication hardware (ie, modem, ethernet for cable/dsl, etc).

Drew A. Dunn
MikeFerrara once bubbled...

Really good point. I have to admit that I tend to assume these guys are renegade quest people. I guess that isn't really fair.

I checked out rec.scuba for the first time and it was a learning experience for sure.

rec.scuba has become the biggest joke on the interenet if you ask me. I think over 90% of the posts have nothing to do with diving (like this thread, actually) and the threads that start out with anything scuba related get swarmed by the howling baboons and they never last more than 1 or 2 replies before getting off topic. Only two things get discussed much on rec.scuba: (1) America is great and guns are sacred and (2) Every opinion not conforming to the above is worthy of filthy verbal abuse of a virtually unimaginable intensity.

I'm not sure it was ever any different but these days it's just a shameful dumping ground for the deeply troubled. If nothing else it serves as a living argument in favour of moderated forums.

I finally gave it up when one of the regulars died in what was probably a diving accident and the baboons (the worst and most prolific of whom can only be described euphamistically as a grotesque monster) were almost falling over each other to get in their last acts of disrespect before they buried him

bwerb once bubbled...

Next dive out...can we dive with pony's too?:eek:ut:

I don't see why not, but you're going to have to get some riggin that is a little more elaborate than the fido stage rigging that o-ring so eloquently described for us.....

I don't know why you'd want to dive with a pony anyway, lots of extra weight and equipment not to mention how you are going to ride him, which is a totally different thread

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