A request to the "new" DIR advocates

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MHK, you forgot the most important part.

DIR is a perfectly logical and rational system. There is no need to be abusive in any way, if you have a genuine discussion, since the logic will win out in the end.

I do agree that calling people names and so on is completely unnecessary, and I have always maintained that, even on Quest.

I have to say that I resent the implication that I have somehow been rude or inappropriate. I don't believe I have, and if you or anyone else thinks otherwise, please point me to the post.

I am enjoying this community, and have managed in the short time I've been in it to both learn something and hopefully help out here and there.

I don't think the people I've been conversing with view me as some kind of fanatic or rude or anything like that, at least I hope not.

And Mike, just between you and me, I think this kind of thing is better done in private. Public washing of laundry is rarely beneficial.

Mike F., people may come across a little harsh on line, but I have never ever met a DIR diver who was "a nut". I don't think you have anything to worry about. In person, all these people are just people, and most of them don't look at it as a military operation with a "leader" and a "set of rules" etc. It's just a way to dive...and it works. The rest is just people spinning some yarn to make themselves feel better.
MHK once bubbled...

And if your true goal is to help, then answer questions and stop posturing.. I’m as DIR as anyone, but you recent additions to list are embarrassing even me.

Consider, that if you think you are representing us that many may very well perceive you as representing us, and act accordingly..


Michael Kane
GUE Instructor # 5027

Attitudes of DIR folks no matter what board they are on should be the same. You can not change attitudes just because they change boards. I think you need to tone it down on Quest and other DIR boards. That way no matter who reads any DIR board there will hopefully be no harsh or abusive speech.
What is quest and where do I find it?

If quest is a DIR discussion forum, does that mean my computer has to have certain hardware before I get an account?

Quest is the DIR mailing list. There is info available on the GUE website: www.gue.com

To be a member of quest you must join GUE. I believe that is the only requirement....and any computer will do.

The Quest archives are available to subscribers, and offer a wealth of information. Also, joining GUE will get you the dirQUEST magazine, which has lots of great information and great articles.

Quest isn't as active anymore as it used to be, most of the issues have been worked over so many times that people just check the archives, but once in a while there is still a great post.

All in all the membership is a great deal, IMO (and I'm not affiliated other than being a member).
jepuskar once bubbled...
What is quest and where do I find it?

If quest is a DIR discussion forum, does that mean my computer has to have certain hardware before I get an account?

Joking aside, you pay $29 to get signed up to a mailing list where George advertises his scooters, DIR wannabes rally against SB and rec.scuba, and people become confounded by the now-old-news DUI Quickzip. Your money gets you four or five emails a day that say basically nothing whatsoever.

An extra $75 gets you, basically, a T-shirt. $100 more than that gets you the chance to pay for a spot on a DIR trip. Another $800 and you get to do a dive with JJ! You can toss GUE some extra cash for no apparent reason at www.dirquest.com. It almost feels like a charity.
ive been on this site for a we while yet and ive been reading about this DIR so i went and did some searching ....im still not 100% clear on it is DIR (do it rite) an organisation or institute(like padi ssi naui) or is it some what of a club that goes around giving people different techniques on diving (whats more efficient and so on)

ive never really heard of any compition to this degree on who teaches what until i came to this site over here in new zealand most of us dont care where we got our ticket whats on our mind is "hope the weathers good"

it has opened my eyes a bit ...which is a good thing

you can never know to much :wacko:
Braunbehrens and MHK

To my recolection neither one of you has ever been abusive or abrasive in any way. Actually I would say there are times that I am less gracious. The two of you should understand some of the strong opinions I have at least as well as anyone so I hope you will excuse a little poor behavior.

I could name many other DIR advocates (for lack of a better term) who I flat out enjoy talking with, have learned things from and a few that I have enjoyed diving with.

We have had a couple come and visit who were really rude. Well rude isn't the word but... This latest guy though for certain fits my definition as a nut. If some one says they are going to do something I have no reason not to believe them. Especially when the do a little round robin and send threats to several people like this guy did. His statement was rarther matter of fact. Take a look at their web site. Not because of any one single thing but I got the impression that they're fried. While I won't loose any sleep over it I won't let the guy get behind me either and if he tries I'll take it rather seriously.

Let's face it guys when you see this stuff something is going on. There seems to be a clump of them over there. I don't see people from other agencies, clubs or whatever acting like that. I don't see mac users threatening to kill multiple IBM people in the same night over a conversation they weren't even part of. What's different here? Frustration over all the bad diving? Well boys, as a recreational instructor I've seen way more of that than most of these guys will ever even dream of. I've also seen the results of it. They seem to take a DIRF, get on quest, listen to, well, whoever and turn into..what ever you want to call it. Or...there is just something there that attracts people like that. I truely am sorry divers like you (and the others I refered to) have to be associated even loosly with them. I think you both have something to offer to even the diver who will never wear a DIR t-shirt.
I was going to edit my last post but decided to post this addition instead. I got thinking that I worded things poorly in the last post and made it sound like I thought some one was encouraging this kind of behavior. While I believe some may work hard to sound like GI I don't think this was even remotely the same thing. The only common eliment is his use of names we all know. Sometimes I put my foot in my mouth and I apologize if it seemed I was associating any of you with him/her.
ckharlan66 once bubbled...
You serve your organization and causes well by being respectful and forthcoming with your responses and others would do well to take your example. I am glad you are a part of our community.

Look at this guy doin a little brown nosin before the class this weekend....man what a loooooser!! :D

Anyway, all kidding aside, I'm glad MHK is part of our little corner of the 'net, he's a wonderful source for knowledge and seems to be like a guy who I wouldn't mind buyin a few pints for.

I only hope he doesn't embarass me too bad, or use the video he obtains of me this weekend as the "before" picture in the ever evolving tech diving community....ah hell, use it anyway, we all need a good laugh.

[size=1.5] P.S....mikeF I have a pry bar if you need it for foot removal...it is solid steel, black, and DIR approved[/size]

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