A gift for my instructor.

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Dallas, Texas
I am doing my check out dives for my ow certification this weekend and I was wondering... is it customary to tip the instructor? One of his assistants keeps mentioning that you should tip the divemaster (he's mentioned it 3 times) and I assumed he meant on a tour but it dawned on me that he might have been talking about himself????? Either way, my instructor was awesome and I wanted to get him a little something. Cash wasn't exactly what I had in mind though, I'd like to get him something more personal. Any suggestions?
Well... if you received service that you feel warrants a tip then by all means... perhaps a gift certificate to a nice resturant to show your appreciation...

Really... the DM is hitting on you for tips?
The DM is soliciting tips? That's way unprofessional! If you feel the Instructor provided you with service over and beyond what was required...then by all means tip in some way. If money makes you uncomfortable, Pug's idea of a gift certificate is nice.

But the DM soliciting tips....he'd get nothing from me on that action alone!

You might also mention to the shop owner how pleased you are with the class.
Well, I'm not totally sure he was soliciting a tip, that was why I wanted to know if it was customary. I hope he was talking about an escorted tour, not the class.
When I finished my DM course I had the feeling I should make a gift to my instructor since he had taken so much time in order for me to be ready.

I knew he didn't have any kind of binder for his logbooks, certifications and other papers, so I bought him one, not from PADI, but one with a white-striped red banner.

It surely made his day, and I think it was well deserved.
Anyone asking for a tip doesn't, IMHO, deserve one. A tip has always been, for me, a way of saying "thanks, I appreciated the effort you have shown me". This applies to diving or anything...

If you appreciated the effort the instructor gave, here's what I would do:
- tell the instructor, the spoken word is always appreciated AND
- write a note telling of your appreciation to: the instructor, the LDS and the certifiying agency. It could be just to the agency with a CC to the others.

I just finished DMing a OW class, and did not expect anything -- to my surprise and delight, the class presented me a thank you card, each student saying something how I contributed to their enjoyment of the course. That is a "tip" that I really appreciated!
Welcome to the boards Blue. Always happy to see another Dallas area Texas diver. Come join us on a dive sometime. Keep an eye on the Texas section on when we're going and where and come get wet. The best thing to do after getting certified is DIVE.

We don't mind the fact you are fresh out of class. We will take good care of you.

Tips to the instructor are as I have gathered very rare. The dive master should not be soliciting $$. The DM is doing his job taking you all on tours during the OW dives. If you feel he warrents something then by all means do so, but he shouldn't be asking.

If at a later date you choose to hire him to DM a dive, you pay him for said dive, and you choose to tip him a little more for a job well done, that is a different story.

if you got good service you should tip. That goes for classes as well as boat trips. Keep in mind that the instructor makes less money per hour than the kid that mows your grass.

For those who are upset about solicitation of tips, don't go out on Florida dive boats. There is often a sign and it is often mentioned in the boat briefing.

If you go out to eat do you tip the waitress/waiter? How much work did they do compared to a boat crew or an instructor? They make more money too.

For those who are upset about solicitation of tips, don't go out on Florida dive boats. There is often a sign and it is often mentioned in the boat briefing.

A sign or tip jar or a brief mention that tips are appreciated is perfectly fine. It's when it's mentioned over and over that I don't think is appropriate.

I'm a notoriously sorry tipper to waitresses/waitors. :) I find very few who actually earn a tip and those I'll gladly give to. They are doing their job when they serve me and if they aren't happy with the wages, they need to take it up with the boss not me! This pretty much applies to everyone expecting a tip from me. But if there is anyone who deserves a tip more it's GOOD DM's and Capt'ns on dive boats.
Most DM's don't get paid for assisting with classes. IMO, If they do good they should be tipped. They do it because they want to If it isn't valued by others they may stop doing it. I would love to put them on a payrole. As soon as I can find a way to get paid from an OW class I will. I don't usually take tips but I own the shop. For an employee I think it is a good idea. I do have folks who show up with things like apple pie or a six pack. Things that cost little but show alot are very rewarding.

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