A career as a dive instructor - realistic or idealistic?

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I hope you do enjoy your first experience.
I also hope we have the same chance, not easy to find the first real oportunity....
Meanwhile we keep on trying to fin a job in the sun and working in the rain for experience :)
It seems like the only one making money around here is the 800 pound gorilla - PADI
PADI- Put Anouther Dollar In... or the other one I like is when you call PADI for supplies - their phone number is 1-800-PAY-PADI - no joke
Yep i think PADI are making the most here but let's face it, it's not as if they sneak in your pocket and take some money every week is it. If you dislike PADI so much, then don't train with them, simple.

If i was still a smoker i could never say "my god those cigarettes are making me cough". It's not as if those cigarettes are flying out of the packet into my mouth is it.:coffee:

It seems like the only one making money around here is the 800 pound gorilla - PADI
PADI- Put Anouther Dollar In... or the other one I like is when you call PADI for supplies - their phone number is 1-800-PAY-PADI - no joke

Wow. Never heard those before.

Way to take someone's fun thread and good news, spin it another direction, and hijack it with yet another lame slam against an agency.

Wow. Never heard those before.

Way to take someone's fun thread news, spin it another direction, and hijack it with yet another lame slam against an agency.


Agreed...Congrats Lisa, I enjoyed this thread immensely and gained alot of useful knowledge in the process. I hope your hard work and determination is fruitful for you in the future. Hope to read more updates in the future as you continue on this. :D

I am just starting out in my journey to train as an instructor, which involves me selling up everything in the UK, and moving out to Thailand with a one way ticket in just a couple of weeks to study at an IDC. I have this sort of wildly optimistic, blind faith in the idea that if I work hard I will succeed and be happy, (and hopefully earn a living!) but after reading these forums, I am a little worried that I am being too idealistic? Do I need to take off my rose tinted mask?

Many people here seem to be saying that it's just not possible to earn a living teaching diving, and I was hoping to hear from any people who have success stories, to prove it is possible? (I am willing to work seasonally in different places around the world, at least while I'm still young, footloose and fancy free!)

While I don't expect to be a wealthy playgirl, I have been entertaining this romantic notion of leaving the materialistic world behind, living by the ocean, and sticking a white picket fence into the sand around my front door :)

Leaving the materialistic world behind? Good luck. You will find materialism in one form or another from the first world to the third world. There is nothing wrong with being a romantic and clinging to one's ideals, just have a realistic back up plan and emergency funds in case one's ideals turn into heavy handed concerns. Like a DM in the Cayman's once told me: just another sh**** day in paradise.
Why is it so hard to have a first chance? At least for me...I am sure I would do a good job, I would certanly work hard but how can I prove it?
Not very optimistic today :confused:
Why is it so hard to have a first chance? At least for me...I am sure I would do a good job, I would certanly work hard but how can I prove it?
Not very optimistic today :confused:

Lisa's first chance came and she took it. Take inspiration from her wonderful story and Carpe Diem:coffee:

If you think you can you can, and if you think you can't, your probably right!

Well said Mats & Scotty... there are so many people determined to take their own negativity and force it down others throats!
Run with it guys, enjoy the life and make the most of it. I've had a ball and am looking forward to my next adventure!
By the way I am 36, ditched the city life at the age of 33 and truely left the materialist world behind.... just dont tell anyone else my real age cos they never guess it right, its an attitide thing!
Its only money...spend it now and have fun enjoying it...I dont think PADI is doing anything wrong. Their prices are right, their product is great, and did you not have fun? Sure everything in life could be cheaper, but I would pay alot more to enjoy the beautiful underwater world if I had to
"sleep when you die"

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