A career as a dive instructor - realistic or idealistic?

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I should chirp in and say congratulations as well. This thread was my introduction to Scubaboard, as it came up on some google search I did, and I've been following it ever since. It's been fun to watch the progress. Nice work Lisa.

Congratulations :)

And what now? Will you stay working in Thailand? I have also done the IE this year plus EFRI and some specialties but the difficult part has been finding a place to work that needs a couple of recent OWSI with little experience....

It seems to be difficult to start and have the oportunity to get experience... Is it different for you?

Does anyone want to share opinions and advices for beginners?
Congratulations :)

And what now? Will you stay working in Thailand? I have also done the IE this year plus EFRI and some specialties but the difficult part has been finding a place to work that needs a couple of recent OWSI with little experience....

It seems to be difficult to start and have the oportunity to get experience... Is it different for you?

Does anyone want to share opinions and advices for beginners?

To those who are considering"going pro" may I suggest to do your Dm and Asst instr. courses at the LDs you may want to teach at..This way you develop a relationship with them and they are more likely to steer classes your way..They are MUCH more likely to do this than for someone who never took a course with them or who never was a customer of theirs..If you are an established instr in your area with experience and can bring more than a new instr. card to the table(multiple specialties/capt's license/retail experience) a lds may also consider you teaching there.
In fact that is what I did.... I am now working (part time) in a LDS unfortenantly they don't have many courses, now I would like to move abroad... work as OWSI or Dive Guide in a nice tropical country :) I am aplying with my boyfriend, also an Instructor.
We both have specialities and are EFRI, but everybody seems to want more experienced instructors.
I am sure we have a lot to give, but that is difficult to proove by e-mail....

Thanks for the advice :)
good luck..try padi pro site and see who is looking for staff..where are you located and which area you prefer to move to?which agency are you certified with?Can you teach uw photo,I understand that Cathy Church in Grand Cayman was looking for help.
Thanks :)
We are both PADI OWSI, EFRI, and specialities instructors including EAN and UW Photo DUP. we haven't chosen anywhere particular, but would like to work in a sunny place with good diving all year round :wink: I have been searching on Padi's site and have sent some CVs, but haven't received many replies so far... But we won't give up :)
Congrats Lisa...I'm looking at IDC next January, so not too far from now I'll also be in your shoes.

Like Wet-Willie, my first instructor job was also a Flight Instructor, 21 years ago. I have also taught reservations for American Airlines, and Latin Dance in South Florida, but the truth is that the "willies" stay.

What I'd like to share with you is what the F.A.A. Examiner told me when I passed my initial CFI flight test; "here's your license to learn." "A good diver is always training." Dive Training Magazine You will not only learn from more seasoned instructors, you will also learn from your students. It is up to you to discern what and how to learn from them, but what your students will teach you will not be skills, or something you already know; it will be how to hone your skills in demonstrating them to each individual student.

If scuba instructing is anything like flight instructing, you have to be single, and there isn't a whole lot of money in it, but there is a lot of satisfaction. Here's my little story in that regard:

I had a flight student named Mike Theoratos; great guy, good student. I saw him through private, instrument, commercial, aerobatics, CFI, and CFI instruments. Then we lost touch. He always had a habit of "egging" his loops (loops looked like an egg, not like a circle). I believe the year was 1995, when I ran into him again. TWA was still TWA and by gosh, I was going to San Juan from San Antonio, which meant I had to stop in St. Louis. When the flight attendant came over the p.a. and greeted the passengers and said "Captain Mike Theoratos will be in charge of our flight today," I immediately choked up. How many other Mike Theoratos could there be in the world? The acft. was still on the ground and I asked the F.A. if I could go say something to the Captain; she conceeded. I walked in the cockpit and the first thing I said was, hey Mike, you still egging your loops??? He was reading something facing forward. When he heard what I said, his head snapped up, and to the right. He could not believe it was me, and I could not believe it was him. At any rate, I flew in the jump seat that day, and when he addressed the passengers in mid-flight, he said something like "I'm really going to have to fly this thing right today folks, 'cause my flight instructor is here with me evaluating me" or something like that; I can't remember, but what I do remember is that when we were deplaning, many people stopped me and said "good job sir." Thus far, in my lifetime only one other event has topped that highlight; the birth of my daughter.

Just my .02 psi.

Good luck in your career!!!
this sounds kinda like what my wife and I are doing next year although we are lucky that we dont have to sell everything at home.
The way we have decided to play it is leave the UK with around £6000 each and a one way ticket which we already have London - Bankok 01/02/07, we will do our DM and IDC quals in Malaysia at a cost of around £1800 each (this includes everything down to learning aids and PADI registration) then we will hopefully be able to do a few courses each before we move on to another destination the hope being when we are working in an area we will earn enough to live on and if we are very very lucky even save a little as we are not party people and would rather just chill on the porch in the evening with a good book LOL, the money that we take with us will suppliment us between work and get us onto our destinations.
our hope is that we will be able to dive in Thailand, Malaysia, Sipadan, Indonesia, Micronesia, Philipines and soooooo many more places before we have to head home.

we are even hoping to get to central America as well, and a season in Eygypt on the way home.
lets hope everything works out for you, never know might see you out there.
Nice bubblemonkey :) I admire your courage :)
I would prefer to have at least a job for one of us before leaving.
It will probably be easier for you to find a job in Thailand since they will know you when you finish IE.... At least you will probably have good contacts in Thai diving industry. It is not our case.

Hope to see you somewhere around the whorld :)

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