"I dove" and "I have dived" are two different parts of speech.
Let's look at another verb that would seem to be less controversial: to eat.
Would you say that "I ate" and "I have eaten" are exactly the same? No: one is using the preterite and one the past participle. Sometimes we use the participle exclusively; for example, "Have you eaten yet?"
To go is even more distinctive: go, went, gone.
Would you say, "I gone home."? Not likely. "I have gone" is standard English; it is standard even where one spells "honor" as "honour"!
Now, it is true that some dictionaries indicate that both "dove" and "dived" are acceptable preterite forms of dive. So, either form can be used. Okay?????
Joewr...who now knows why Samuel Johnson had such a bad temper!