Not to put a damper on your first day, but if you haven't been to Bonaire before, be prepared to wait.
Don't be surprised if after your 5:22AM arrival (that's when I arrive on the same flight the following week) you wait 15 minutes for customs clearance before the doors open.
Then, after deplaning, you stand in line for 15-20 minutes, sometimes longer to go through customs/immigration.
Even after all that time, you'll likely end up waiting another 15-20 minutes for the luggage to arrive. It's kinda funny, they have only one "luggage trailer" and they must make 20 trips back and forth to the plane before all luggage is unloaded.
Then, if you're renting a car (truck) at the airport, plan on another 15-30 minutes. All said, it was almost 90 minutes from the time of arrival to the time we were on our way out of the airport.
This may be a bit longer because I had to wait for everyone in the group to retrieve their luggage, and for everyone to get their trucks, before I led them off to the resort.
I'm saying this to forewarn you, so just try to relax, know that it will take a while, you're on island time, and don't let this frustrate you. I know I was quite frustrated about all the inefficiencies the first time I went to Bonaire.
But, the upside of this is that most resorts will be open by the time you arrive, and most will have a place for you to store you luggage if they don't have a room for you yet. I take this time to change into shorts and a tshirt.
If you like, grab some breakfast, and then be prepared to attend the mandatory Marine Park Orientation. Find out when that is before you get there so you can plan around it. If you miss it, no diving. Some of the larger resorts may have an afternoon orientation, I haven't heard of that though. At Wannadive at Eden Beach, it is between 8:00AM and 8:30AM.
After the orientation, depending on how you feel, you may crash (many have a hard time on the red-eye flights) or start diving (I can doze enough on the flight). Let the fun begin!