you can deco twince as fast on 100 than on 50. youalso have to be at 20 ft for 100 instead of 70 for 50. The shalower you are the less continued ongassing that occurs. youcan use both 50 and 100 with stops at 70 and 20 but it maeans youhave to carry 2 tanks.
The thing about tank markings is that if the % is that off,,, the tank would not have been accepted by a dir diver. Also the tanks are marked with MOD and not %o2. Everyone in your group sees the tank you are sucking from has a depth marked on it that is deeper than your present depth. One more reason to carry one tank. You dont pick the wrong one. Number of tanks, sizes, and mixes are determined by the dive and standard practices. As far as standard gasses goes deco is 50 and/or 100. Back gas has its standard mixes in the DIR world as well.
The thing about tank markings is that if the % is that off,,, the tank would not have been accepted by a dir diver. Also the tanks are marked with MOD and not %o2. Everyone in your group sees the tank you are sucking from has a depth marked on it that is deeper than your present depth. One more reason to carry one tank. You dont pick the wrong one. Number of tanks, sizes, and mixes are determined by the dive and standard practices. As far as standard gasses goes deco is 50 and/or 100. Back gas has its standard mixes in the DIR world as well.
So ok guys
i am wondering what the advantage of using 50%o2 and 100% O2 for deco is over other gasses like 40% which let you offgas at a deeper depth.
do any agencies use standard gasses because i know TDI don't?
also why do mainly dir divers permanantly label tanks for 50 and 100 percentwhat id you analyse it and it is 46 percent and the mod changed?