4 diveres went missing - Malpelo, Colombia

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Dario Rodriguez has another version a little bit different of how the group got separated. Very stressful situation indeed.

www.marca.com/blogs/bajo-el-mar/2016/09/08/los-buzos-que-sobrevivieron-dos-dias-a.html - Translator

"We think in 20 different parts of the body where he nailed us knife we had, imagining in which hurt less. But we are a couple of chickens, I do not believe that we had cut off a nail"


He last Wednesday 31 of August, five divers, four of them of nationality Colombian and one American, disappeared near the island of Malpelo, located in the Ocean Pacific and belonging to Colombia. All them were part of a group of diving that wore days performing dives by the area and that afternoon were taking to out the last scheduled by the expedition.

Peter Morse, the diver American, was the first in be rescued by them services of emergency after passing a night whole clinging to an of the rocks of Malpelo. Hernán Darío Rodríguez and Jorge Iván Morales, for his part, remained more than two days adrift to be found. Unfortunately, the other two divers, Érika Vanessa Díaz and Carlos Enrique Jiménez, continue even in whereabouts unknown, when it has already been a week of his disappearance.


"Supposed that we were going to make a last farewell simple immersion. We were in an area of diving called the Cathedral: a cavern about 24 meters of depth. It went through and continue moving forward. "At that moment felt two very strong currents that divided the Group: an ascending Érika Vanessa, Carlos and Peter took towards the surface, and one descending took us to Jorge and me about 35 meters", says Dario Hernán, once rescued by the emergency operation.

"Feel " " two very strong currents that divided the group"

"We had the opportunity to regroup ourselves and go out together to the surface. There we gave features of that the current us had displaced in sense Southeast. Went to some 400 meters from the point in which was the boat waiting for us. We were able to see the back of the boat, but we were away. We inflate a deco buoys so that we would see, but to realize that we had much oxygen in bottles, we decided to get to swim with the sharks. Vanessa and Carlos were waiting on the surface", still telling the Colombian diver.

"The surprise came when climbed another time." Had a power by force on us and we were far away, almost at one kilometre, from the initial site. There we realized that the situation was serious. "Then some waves separated the Group: they dragged Vanessa and Carlos on the one hand, to Jorge and Peter on the other hand, and I was only".

Hernan Dario managed to gather is again with Jorge, after this tried without success follow the rhythm of the American Peter, that decided to swim in seeks of the boat.



But, How could survive Rodríguez and Morales more than two days to it derives, among sharks and jellyfish? Them two divers is faced mainly to them serious problems of dehydration and hypothermia, since the protection thermal of them suits of diving is limited and there are that have in has that is loses 20 times more fast the heat in the water that in circumstance normal in Earth. the temperature of the water in Malpelo oscillates between them 26 and the 28 degrees, although can give is running more cold.

However, two divers also had to battle against the fear, hopelessness, anxiety, the frutracion and the stress. "To five in the afternoon were completely alone. Do not saw nothing nor to anyone. We thought that very soon a boat would come to rescue us. But not was as well. At seven o'clock there was only darkness and we understood the seriousness of what was happening. That was it more hard: accept that were lost in the sea and that would have to spend the night there. We stayed with our teams tied and caught the hand. The first night was a hell", has Hernán Dario."

"It more hard was accepting that were lost in the sea"

The two divers, Rodriguez and Morales, established the strategy of not away is of Malpelo. Swam espaldas to the rock, "but was very frustrating because advanced a metro and the current us away five".

"We attacked the jellyfish: some 15 is taught with my neck and the pain was terrible"

"We had to keep us warm and avoid taking salt water. The first hours only danced in the water. Started to attack us with jellyfish, especially to me: about 15 is taught with my neck and the pain was terrible; the next day, the victim was Jorge. That night, I was also vomiting 40 minutes all the water that had swallowed. I had very low morale".

2nd part:


Two divers drifting created a 'manual' communication system: pressed the hand of another to wonder if they were well and in the same way they responded. "We tried not to talk to avoid to enter us water. I do not I sleep nothing. I was microsuenos and I had. Jorge itself was capable of putting is completely horizontal and keep is thus for rest (had them vests inflated). I could not, me dizzy, then touched me to be seated. I was suffering for the position and the cold" ".

"The first night was a hell"

"Dawned towards them 6.30 in the morning." "See the Sun was a joy tremendous, a way of recovering the hope". Last a night to the derived, the two divers identified them problems dyed the night previous and decided to assign is tasks. "Was a good symbiosis. Each used his strength to get the situation forward. Jorge, that is very organized and perfectionist, began to design other types of moorings to be more comfortable. I was scoring mentally what was happening, to not suffer it same the second night. I knew that between 3:00 and 6:00 in the morning was the hardest of the cold hour" ".

"None wanted to get to the point of having a death suffering"

Rodriguez and Morales also designed a strategy to deal with the attacks of the jellyfish: "declare them war with deco buoys. We got back, bottle against the bottle, and with the inflated buoy golpeábamos them by way of defence. Part of the day left us in this 'war'. Not felt hungry. "We decided to not undo us of them bottles because still had air and in any moment could use it or be us of helps".

"Then, discovered that could deflate the same buoys deco and put us them in the neck, to mode of scarf, to warm us". Part of the strategy of the divers to conserve heat was to use urine. When one of the two wanted to pee, he warned the other, they hugged and would be wrap the legs. "I said to George:"Never go to tell this" ".


"Until us rescued never saw nor heard nothing: or a motor, or a boat, or a plane." That fed the frustration. It was that expectations were. We felt that nobody was out to us. Even got to touch themes very sensitive as the suicide. None wanted to get to the point of having a death with suffering. Think in 20 parts different from the body in which nail us the knife that had, imagining in which hurt less. But we are a couple of chickens, I don't think we would have to be cut by a fingernail. We also think take bottles and immersed until the air was over to have a 'sweet death', but Jorge said that we could not let this uncertainty to our families, to die at the bottom of the sea and that we will never find".

"Think in 20 parts different from the body in which nail us the knife that had, imagining in which hurt less"

However, the divers recognize that what more played to their favor is that had them minds occupied in all time. Already out thinking in the ways of avoid a death with suffering, already out telling jokes or talking. "That second night was much better than the first." " Stress was down a little bit and we were very aware of the situation".

After have exceeded its second night lost in high sea, Hernan Dario spent by one of the worst moments: lost his mask. "Was a time of hopelessness terrible." I thought that without it not could spend a third night. Jorge tried to calm me saying that we were going to take their turns. I cried".

"We are a pair of hens, not believe that us had cut or a nail"

To 4 o'clock, while trying to rest, the two divers felt an engine in the distance. "We saw a black dot in the distance, but we think that the aircraft had long since we had seen. To them 15 minutes back. With the last breath we inflate the buoys and started making noise, screaming. We had seen. Was a feeling incredible. Crying from emotion" ".

Already to except in the ship's rescue, it first that made them two divers was ask by Erika Vanessa and by Carlos. "Gave us the sad news that had not found them. We felt half a joy. We needed half". There were also the first aid. Hernan Dario had much pain in the muscles in the legs, ankles... while Jorge was worse, with very swollen feet, an obvious sign of advanced dehydration.



The fact to have found Rodriguez and Morales gives hope for face to be able to rescue the other two missing divers, since the prognosis for survival of a diver in the open ocean is relative and depends on different factors, in addition to the conditions of time and health by not consuming food or water. In addition, the missing are high career professionals who know the area dive sites.

"Know that Érika Vanessa ready to survive." "It know because she has six years of experience as Diver", has secured his brother, David Diaz, who is shows convinced of the fortress of his sister, a lawyer of 30 years amateur to the diving and with two children, of year and half and of eight years.

Carlos Enrique, for its part, is guide instructor and coordinator operating of the boat in which left the expedition of divers. Performs an average of 200 dives to the year and is a regular of the diving in Malpelo. "We are very hopeful of that them techniques of survival that my uncle knows are running." We will continue looking for them", has secured the niece Jimenez
I have been following this and have no words to express the gamut of emotions I feel each time new information is received. My heart goes out to the missing and their loved ones.

The last dive of the trip. :(
Bad news for their relatives. Colombian Air Force cancel the search temporarily off, until new statement, National Navy remain still searching. It would be a miracle they find them, but furthermore it would be more miraculous they find them alive.

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Found a corpse in the area of search of divers lost in Malpelo

Nacionalseptiembre 9, 2016-6:53 pm-Tags: search, divers, corpse, Malpelo, PerdidosFoto Colprensa / AP WILLIAM FERNANDO MARTINEZ

Armed national reported that in the afternoon of today was sighted from an aircraft civil the corpse of a woman in the same area in which persists the search of them two divers. Despite this finding the armed continues in the search for via maritime of the two people. The Commander of the Naval Force of the Pacific, Rear Admiral Paulo Guevara, argued that "in the area that we have established as 'uncertainty' for two divers search was found a body without life in advanced state of deterioration. They tell me that it seems to be a woman"." "He body was more or less to some 280 kilometers of Malpelo, what us indicates is that is goes running towards the continent", said Guevara.Una time is gave notice of the corpse floating on the sea, is sent several boats to proceed with the rescue of the body of which, according to is indicated, is in advanced state of decomposition. The authorities said that it can not be confirmed even if the body corresponds to one of the divers who are lost, because they expect the development of the corresponding forensics work." It is possible that it is one of the two divers, because it was found in the area that we calculate that they could be", however,"the body will be transferred tomorrow to Legal Medicine in Buenaventura and they will say who it is." The Armada deployed again a device of search this same night for track the sea in the same area in which was found the corpse. Guevara added that "operations continue, it is a plane of armed force Colombian, two ships of the Navy, a helicopter and a private to follow the search plane".

Encuentran un cadáver en la zona de búsqueda de buzos perdidos en Malpelo - RCN Radio
Found a corpse in the area of search of divers lost in Malpelo

Nacionalseptiembre 9, 2016-6:53 pm-Tags: search, divers, corpse, Malpelo, PerdidosFoto Colprensa / AP WILLIAM FERNANDO MARTINEZ

Armed national reported that in the afternoon of today was sighted from an aircraft civil the corpse of a woman in the same area in which persists the search of them two divers. Despite this finding the armed continues in the search for via maritime of the two people. The Commander of the Naval Force of the Pacific, Rear Admiral Paulo Guevara, argued that "in the area that we have established as 'uncertainty' for two divers search was found a body without life in advanced state of deterioration. They tell me that it seems to be a woman"." "He body was more or less to some 280 kilometers of Malpelo, what us indicates is that is goes running towards the continent", said Guevara.Una time is gave notice of the corpse floating on the sea, is sent several boats to proceed with the rescue of the body of which, according to is indicated, is in advanced state of decomposition. The authorities said that it can not be confirmed even if the body corresponds to one of the divers who are lost, because they expect the development of the corresponding forensics work." It is possible that it is one of the two divers, because it was found in the area that we calculate that they could be", however,"the body will be transferred tomorrow to Legal Medicine in Buenaventura and they will say who it is." The Armada deployed again a device of search this same night for track the sea in the same area in which was found the corpse. Guevara added that "operations continue, it is a plane of armed force Colombian, two ships of the Navy, a helicopter and a private to follow the search plane".

Encuentran un cadáver en la zona de búsqueda de buzos perdidos en Malpelo - RCN Radio

Was the corpse wearing wetsuit & scuba gear? If yes, the 3 rescued divers & Erika Vanessa's husband should be able to identify her wetsuit, similar to what what happened with the body of one of the 2 missing Japanese divers in Indonesia, 2 years ago.

Final 'Japan diver' found in Indonesia

"A body believed to be that of a Japanese diver who went missing with six others off Bali a month ago has been found far from where she disappeared, Indonesian police said Monday.

The body, thought to be that of diving instructor Shoko Takahashi, was found at the weekend on Sempu island, East Java province, some 400 kilometres (250 miles) from where the divers went missing.

Five of the other female Japanese divers in the group were rescued days after they went missing on Feb. 14 while the body of a sixth washed up on the Indonesian resort island.

The body found at the weekend was barely recognisable -- the head was missing -- but Takahashi's Balinese husband believes it is her due to the clothes inside the diving suit, police said.

"The body was found on Saturday on a beach on Sempu island in Malang district," Malang marine police chief Slamet Prayitno told AFP.

"The husband, who came to the hospital last night, said he is 98 percent sure that the body belongs to his missing Japanese wife."...."
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The last dive of the trip. :(

Isn't it always the last dive? Or the last ski run? Or the last something when it goes pear shaped...
Isn't it always the last dive? Or the last ski run? Or the last something when it goes pear shaped...

It happened to me last year on liveaboard trip to Cendrawasih Bay, Papua, Indonesia. On the last day on our way back to Manukwari, we were drying out our gear on top deck of the boat, as I climbed down to the main deck, I missed a rung, fell down to the main deck, landed on my right knee & split the knee cap into 2 parts (better than landed on my head). DAN took care the flight back to US on business class ($5000 one way) so I could keep my leg straight for 24 hour flight home.

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