I think I have resolved my issue. I went at lunch and tried on the ScubaPro EverFlex 5/4 (2012). I liked it better than the 3 and 3.5 suits I mail ordered. And, at $180, I had pretty much decided to go ahead and get it and return the other suits. The 5/4 was noticeably more work to get on than the 3s. But, obviously not nearly as bad as the 7mm I wore in the quarry.
Just before saying "I'll take it", I asked one more time "are you SURE you don't have a 3/2 left in my size?" The guy had already told me no once. But, this time, the shop owner (who is also my OW instructor) was nearby and heard me ask and he told the guy to run over to the warehouse and check, just to be sure. Lo and behold, he came back with a 3/2 in XXL. He said it was stuck in the rack with the Ladies sizes, so he hadn't found it before. And the 3/2 was even less expensive.
I bought the 3/2. Pending review by the Fashion Police, I think I'll be keeping the 3/2 and returning the 3s and 3.5 I mail ordered. This Scuba Pro suits seems like noticeably better quality, too. It has a nice lining in the chest, instead of plain nylon. It has big smooth skin seals everywhere, with zippers at the ankles (but not wrists). It's not AS stretchy as the Quantum Stretch suit, but it's definitely stretchy enough.
I still debated getting the 5/4 vs the 3/2, but I decided to go with the best thing for the diving I know I'm going to do in the next 3 or 4 months (and considering I already own Lavacore stuff), instead of trying to get one suit to do everything I *hope* to do.
Thanks for all the advice!
Just before saying "I'll take it", I asked one more time "are you SURE you don't have a 3/2 left in my size?" The guy had already told me no once. But, this time, the shop owner (who is also my OW instructor) was nearby and heard me ask and he told the guy to run over to the warehouse and check, just to be sure. Lo and behold, he came back with a 3/2 in XXL. He said it was stuck in the rack with the Ladies sizes, so he hadn't found it before. And the 3/2 was even less expensive.
I bought the 3/2. Pending review by the Fashion Police, I think I'll be keeping the 3/2 and returning the 3s and 3.5 I mail ordered. This Scuba Pro suits seems like noticeably better quality, too. It has a nice lining in the chest, instead of plain nylon. It has big smooth skin seals everywhere, with zippers at the ankles (but not wrists). It's not AS stretchy as the Quantum Stretch suit, but it's definitely stretchy enough.
I still debated getting the 5/4 vs the 3/2, but I decided to go with the best thing for the diving I know I'm going to do in the next 3 or 4 months (and considering I already own Lavacore stuff), instead of trying to get one suit to do everything I *hope* to do.
Thanks for all the advice!