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Bremen: Ursache für tödlichen Tauchunfall in Kreidesee bei Cuxhaven unklar
Laut Polizei gab es Komplikationen mit der technischen Ausrüstung. Der Kreidesee in Hemmoor ist eines der tiefsten Gewässer Norddeutschlands.
Cause of fatal diving accident in Kreidesee near Cuxhaven unclear
As of: August 7, 2023 4:14 p.m
According to police, there were complications with the technical equipment. The chalk lake in Hemmoor is one of the deepest bodies of water in northern Germany.The cause of the fatal diving accident in Hemmoor in the Cuxhaven district is still unclear. In the accident, a 30-year-old woman from Hesse drowned during a diving course. According to the police, there were complications with the technical equipment. As the investigators said when asked, an autopsy must first be requested. In addition, the diving devices would still have to be technically assessed - only then would new findings be available.
Two diving instructors and three course participants were involved in the diving exercise. Complications arose for the 30-year-old at a depth of around 35 meters. Accompanied by a trained diving instructor, a controlled ascent to a depth of ten meters took place. Since the diver's condition did not improve there either, an emergency ascent was carried out. The young woman could no longer be resuscitated on land and died at the lake.How this tragic accident came about is now part of the police investigation. The Kreidesee is one of the deepest bodies of water in Northern Germany and a diving area known throughout Europe. In recent years there have been several diving accidents with deaths and injuries.