Please share your favorite dive site, restaurant, activity, ect or tips on Bonaire.
You've got enough dives in that you probably already know this, but I didn't out first trip, so I'll throw it in there. I came out of basic OW training with the idea that in shore diving you put your fins on on the beach & walk in like a duck. With still water & a gradually inclining sand bottom, you probably could.
In Bonaire, put your boots on and walk in. When you're in about waist deep water, put your fins on. Come out the same way.
Some of the places I like to dive are Oil Slick Leap (about an 8' giant stride), Windsock (easier entry than some), Hilma Hooker (entry can be a bit challenging but if you want to make sure you see something big, there are some tarpon around the wreck), 1,000 steps (actually 60 something, I'm told), Karpata, Andrea I & II were nice, and there are more.
Schedule one day to go drive around the North end of the island, Washington-Slagbaii Park, and it's scenic. Take your paper marine park permit papers so you can get in free rather than pay $10/head (I think that's what we paid March '09, anyway, since we didn't know that).
Eating out is expensive; I like to eat supper out, but Breakfast and maybe lunch in. I think the 2 main supermarkets were Cultimara and Warehouse Bonaire. Hit one early and stock up on food.
Here's a link to my trip report from March '09; presented as an overview with lots of photos.
A lot of the rental trucks are stick shift so someone must know how to drive stick.
Unless there's been a recent change, the electrical power is 50 Hz, 120 volts, whereas in the U.S. we use 60 Hz, 110. Some items tend to 'run hotter' and some do fine. Our laptop computer did fine; it seems like this issue is more a worry than a practical matter, but it's worth knowing about.
Change is indeed often in guilders, which can serve as souvenirs/token gifts back home.