Thank you again to all who attended. It was wonderful seeing all our friends and making many new ones!
Thanks time and time again to our most awesome mega omelet chef, the amazing scubafool!
Thanks to our Galaxy Dive crew!
Thanks to all those who pitched in on the goods for the meals, prep, cooking and clean up!
Thanks to all who stepped up and brought some additional wood for the fire.
Thanks to all who supplied their musical talents to the camp fires.
We love having these events, but would like everyone to post more if they can.
Many people attend, but don't post that their coming or post their attending, but not what their bringing.
It makes it difficult for us to organize the event or to know what is needed, but I know you guys will help me out on this. Also part of the fun of the events is in the banter before and after. Thanks in advance!
I'll post the Spring date as soon as we get it confirmed.