Troy Springs State Park finally opened up to diving again about 2 weeks ago. I plan to be there around 10 or eleven if the temps go over 50oF! Well, I'll probably be there either way, but diving is always optional
. Dive Monkey's group plans to be there too. If you haven't been, it's a first magnitude spring on the Suwannee river, with awesome vis, and a confederate wreck (Madison) near the river. The spring is about 80 FFW, and the run is about 5 FFW. Lots of room in the spring, but not so much in the parking lot. You'll need a Florida Pass, or $5/car on the honor system. It's east of Branford, off of Hwy 27 @
674 N.E. Troy Springs Road Branford FL 32008
. 29°59'46.1"N 82°58'46.7"W

674 N.E. Troy Springs Road Branford FL 32008
. 29°59'46.1"N 82°58'46.7"W