So is there any sort of errrr organization to this organization? My little bro and I have been diving in the area since the eighties and seventies respectively. My family were all members of the Toledo Submariners way back in the day. We usually try to stick to our comfort zone as far as buddy selection is concerned but maybe it's finally time to branch out a bit. I currently live in the Chicago area and He still lives in Toledo. We used to dive Salisbury, and Whitehouse when they were open to divers and still dive Gilboa and White Star as often as we can get together. He will make the occasional trip over here to dive Haigh or we will even get together half way at France park.
Hey T.Bix,
We've probably bumped into each other and didn't know it because I am also from the the Salisbury/Whitehouse days. In fact, I used to "outlaw" Salisbury back in the late 50's early 60's before anyone turned it into a dive hole. I also outlawed Gilboa before it too was commercialized. If at all possible, you and your brother must experience a GLWC Spring MeetnGreet. Newbies are always welcomed and I can almost guarantee that one M N G will not be enough; you will be back for the Fall gathering and future gatherings. It's just not right that we have so much fun at these events. We dive, we eat, we dive, we eat, we dive, and then we sit around our famous campfire on Fri. and Sat. nights (especially Sat. night) crack open our favorite beverage and just hurt ourselves laughing and talking. Gilboa offers whatever level diving your qualified for or comfortable with from 30' to 130' and there are always people from our group either in the water or wanting to get in the water from morning dives to night dives. Don't miss this this.