2005 Dive Stats/2006 Dive Goals

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Number of Dives: 31

Total Bottom Time: 18 hrs 19 mins

Maximum Depth: 108ffw

Coldest Water Dived: 41 degs

Warmest Water Dived: 80 degs

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Las Pulmas - Cozumel

2005 New Certification / Education: Deep Diver, Drysuit Diver, Rescue Diver

Favorite Dive: Bell Dive, Old Kimberling City Bridge, Table Rock, MO or Penguin Tank, Henry Doorly Zoo as volunteer

Least Favorite Dive: ?? You mean they're not all supposed to be fun?

New Equipment Purchased: Drysuit

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Completed Rescue

Dive Goals for 2006: Complete Divemaster, get in at least 50 dives, volunteer dive at least once/month at zoo


Number of Dives: 44 and still diving some more

Total Bottom Time: didnt feel like adding it up

Maximum Depth: Classified 130+

Coldest Water Dived: 67 degrees

Warmest Water Dived: 81 degrees

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Channel crevises , 40 Klicks away

2005 New Certification / Education: AOW ,Deep Diver, Nitrox

Favorite Dive: Toilet Bowl , when i ran into a Manta Ray

Least Favorite Dive: Low vis , my dive buddy and i seperated within 4 minutes . I surfaced he did the hour long dive by himself and got to fill out the police reports for a missing diver

New Equipment Purchased: BP/wing , Dive rite reg , turtle fins, 7mm suit , new mask , camera housing and many other cool things

How I did on my 2005 Goals: AOW , didnt really have any others

Dive Goals for 2006: Rescue, Padi Divemaster , DIR-F , Advanced Nitrox

Number of Dives: 81

Total Bottom Time: 58:23

Maximum Depth: 104

Coldest Water Dived: 41

Warmest Water Diver: 79

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Roatan (2102 miles or 3382 kilometers)

2005 New Certification / Education: DAN On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers

Favorite Dive: Roatan - Valley of the Kings

Least Favorite Dive: St. Lawrence - Muscallonge

New Equipment Purchased: 3 mil suit for my wife

How I did on my 2005 Goals: As close as I could expect given the demands from work

Dive Goals for 2006: 90 dives. Improve my photography skills

Number of Dives: 17

Total Bottom Time: 12 Hours

Maximum Depth: 70ft

Coldest Water Dived: 65

Warmest Water Diver: 77

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Cuba

2005 New Certification / Education: OW

Favorite Dive: Keystorm

Least Favorite Dive: One of 5 dives in Jibacoa, Cuba... had to call dive

New Equipment Purchased: Mask, Fins, Boots, Snorkel *cough*, Watch, BC, Regs, Weights, 3mm Gloves, 5mm Gloves, 7mm Hood, Wetsuit, Bottom Timer (present..thank you!), and drysuit undies for my fella:p

How I did on my 2005 Goals: I got certified!

Dive Goals for 2006: Dive alot more:)

Number of Dives: 100

Maximum Depth: 155ft

Longest Dive: 118 minutes

Coldest Water Dived: 38F

Warmest Water Diver: 85F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Akumal

Favorite Cave Dive: Madison Blue and "Hole-in-the-Wall" caves

Favorite Wreck Dive: Keystorm (again!)

Favorite Reef Dive: Punta Sur (Devil's Throat)

Least Favorite Dive: Ones that were canceled.

New Equipment Purchased: X-SCOOTER!!!! :D Woo Hoo!!

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Excellent... regain the joy of diving!! Check!!

Dive Goals for 2006: ?Advanced Trimix, Jodrey, ?Gunilda, Roatan

Number of Dives: 8 (certified only a month ago!)

Total Bottom Time: 4hrs

Maximum Depth: 64ft

Coldest Water Dived: 8C

Warmest Water Dived: 10C

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: all dives are local sites so far

2005 New Certification / Education: OW

Favorite Dive: that's gotta be one of the wrecks we have around here

Least Favorite Dive: first OW dive, it went terrible!

New Equipment Purchased: mares volo powers, aqualung mask and snorkel

How I did on my 2005 Goals: just learnt a month ago, so...

Dive Goals for 2006: take AOW and perhaps another course (i'm thinking ppb, and possibly cavern), shed a couple (few!) pounds of weights, improve buoyancy, get at least 40 dives by the end of next year!

Other: hoping to get another couple dives in in 2005...the year is NOT over yet. :D

Number of Dives: 247

Total Bottom Time: 9095 minutes (6 days, 7 hours, 35 min)

Maximum Depth: 136ft

Coldest Water Dived: 79, Grand Cayman

Warmest Water Diver: 87 Grand Cayman

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: San Andrés, Colombia

2005 New Certification / Education: none

Favorite Dive: El Barco, San Andrés, Colombia. Went for a beer afterward and met my novia for the first time.

Least Favorite Dive: hurricane debris clean-up, Governor's Reef, Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman. Too many bounces, and ears ached for days.

New Equipment Purchased: Snorkel, dunno what kind

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Goals! I was supposed to have goals!?

Dive Goals for 2006: Ahh... uhhh... dunno.

Other: 'bout sums it up
Number of Dives: 29

Total Bottom Time: ?

Maximum Depth: 110 ft.

Coldest Water Dived: 41 F

Wamest Water Dived: 81 F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Aruba

2005 New Cetification?Education: Drysuit

Favourite Dive: Debbie 2 Fuel Barge, Aruba

Last Favorite Dive: Gulivers lake

New Equipment Purchased: Dive Rite s/s backplate & Rec wing, 2 Worthington 108 LP steel tanks, 1 Faber 112 LP steel Tank

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Not as many dives as planned

Dive Goals for 2006: More dives. Do advanced nitrox, Decompression Proceedures and Cavern courses.

Number of Dives: 113, but hoping the surf will allow for a few more before the end of the year

Total Bottom Time: 101:26

Maximum Depth:163'

Coldest Water Dived: 48F

Warmest Water Dived: 68F

Longest Dive: 2:03

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Marine Room, La Jolla Shores

2005 New Certification / Education: Learned to respect the surf a little more

Favorite Dive: Too many. The Fog wreck with Elaine and Jeff, White Point night dive with Jeff, including a Black Sea Bass encounter three times, making Missy and Jeff's 100th dives with them...nearly every Marineland dive...wrecks with Ross-O...Found $10 in Redondo Canyon. :D

Least Favorite Dive: Redondo Canyon with Missy and Doug. Red tide so thick we couldn't see much of anything. Casino Point with new gear and aluminum tank. Star of Scotland wreck after all the rain last Winter. Trash was so thick on the surface, we had to wait for an opening to make a giant stride. Vis at the bottom was less than one inch.

New Equipment Purchased: Single tank wing, Better drysuit, sold my TLS350 POS

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Exceeded number of dives

Dive Goals for 2006: To have as much fun as I did in 2005 and to improve photography skills.

Other: I met so many new buddies in 2005 and have one whom I hope to dive with next month. I love sharing diving with others. Having so many people come up to me at Marineland who already knew me as Max Bottomtime was very strange, especially being asked to sign autographs.

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