2005 Dive Stats/2006 Dive Goals

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Number of Dives: 79

Total Bottom Time: 65 hours

Maximum Depth: 100ft in water, 165 ft. in chamber for ADP class

Coldest Water Dived: 52 degrees

Warmest Water Dived: Tied at 81 degrees in Bonaire and Hawaii (Kona)

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Bonaire

2005 New Certification / Education: LA County Advanced Diver Program, NAUI Master, NAUI Rescue, NAUI Nitrox, UW Photography class (Bonaire)

Favorite Dive: Shore diving in Hawaii (Big Island); Bonaire close second. Also, the dive when I FINALLY got my weights & trim really dialed in.

Least Favorite Dive: Most of the dives during ADP class; lots of huffing and puffing, low viz, lots of work.

New Equipment Purchased: Bought UW camera and housing; bought parts and constructed a dive float for ADP class; and bought a replacement mask.

How I did on my 2005 Goals:

"To be safe, not do anything stupid, and not get DCI": Done. Well, except for the stupid part...

"To spend as much money on diving in 2005 as I did on dive equipment in 2004": No question on this one. Yeah, baby.

"To dive in Bonaire and the Philippines, maybe Mexico too": Did Bonaire, substituted Hawaii for the Philippines and Mexico.

"Make 100 dives in 2005" : Not even close.

"Get into UW photography": Did this big time. Took UW photography class, bought UW camera and housing, took lots of pictures.

"Take AOW and Rescue classes": Did this big time too. Took 10 week advanced/rescue class.

Dive Goals for 2006:

To be safe, not do anything stupid, and not get DCI. Dive in Florida, Philippines, and Cabo San Lucas. Take freediving class in February. Take DAN O2 class and purchase O2 kit.

Number of Dives: 12 (so far). Started Oct 29.

Total Bottom Time: 393 minutes

Maximum Depth: 100ft

Coldest Water Dived: 56F

Warmest Water Diver: 72F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Blue Grotto Springs, Williston, FL

2005 New Certification / Education: IANTD Nitrox

Favorite Dive: Ginnie Springs Ballroom (2x) First dive in 11 years, First time leading dive.

Least Favorite Dive: First stage dive. Worst dive of my life.

New Equipment Purchased: My mask is the only piece of gear from 11 years ago I still used, other than my primary second stage which is being replaced. I bought EVERYTHING else, and duplicates of many things.

How I did on my 2005 Goals: My only real goal was to get back into diving in 2005 and start on a course to wreck diving. I am thrilled to be diving again, and feel I met then exceeded my 2005 goals.

Dive Goals for 2006:

1. Dive all the freshwater springs in North Florida. This is the stretch between Pensacola and Gainesville.

2. Take and pass DIRF.

3. Take and pass Deep/Rescue/. If possible, Adv. Nitrox and Deco procedures. But that would be a push.

4. Dive the Pirate's Lady and the Gunsmoke.

5. Dive the Henrietta Marie.

6. Take and pass AOW.

Other: I think joining ScubaBoard has been the best thing I've done for my diving this year. From the advice in gear purchases, to meeting new dive buddies, etc. What a resource this place is.
Number of Dives: 65 (still trying to squeeze in some more)

Total Bottom Time: 57 hours

Maximum Depth: 100fsw

Coldest Water Dived: 66f

Warmest Water Diver: 88f

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Muscat, Oman

2005 New Certification / Education: OW & AOW

Favorite Dive: Dibba Rock, United Arab Emirates

Least Favorite Dive: ...the shortest dive

New Equipment Purchased: Everything. Complete single tank BP/W setup for cold and warm water (Henderson 3mm & DUI TLS 350) as well as "OH, SHEET!" gear which includes multi purpose Jon line, STORM whistle, DIVE Alert, signal mirror, dye, flares, wide hat, sunglasses, 10' SMB, Jotron strobe, spare GSM phone, and VHF radio with GPS mapping.

How I did on my 2005 Goals:

My goal was to get my open water cert so that I could do a few dives in the region I was in at the time. I've passed this by a long shot and am now hooked. :D

Dive Goals for 2006:

1) Dive more than '05
2) Dive deeper than '05 (experience needed for deep wreck diving)
3) Stress/Rescue & 02
4) IANTD Nitrox
5) Save for rebreather purchase in '07 (or do well in '06 stock market :D )
6) Continue education on rebreather design & use
7) Wreck: USS Spiegel Grove
8) Wreck: USCG Duane
9) Wreck: Somewhere in the Great Lakes

Stretch goal: tech/deco classes

Anything more than this is frosting on the cake. :wink:

Other: Meet another single diver that is as addicted to diving as I am.
Number of Dives: 11

Total Bottom Time: 7 hours 35 minutes or 455 minutes

Maximum Depth: 100'

Coldest Water Dived: 68 degrees

Warmest Water Diver: 78 - 80 degrees

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Key largo, FL

2005 New Certification / Education: OW diver, AOW diver(pending)

Favorite Dive: Drift dive at a site called 'deep ball' in the keys with my best buddies

Least Favorite Dive: The Sea Emperor

New Equipment Purchased: Everything, but my favorites are Scubapro Jetfins and Suunto MK7 compass

How I did on my 2005 Goals: I got certified, which was wicked.

Dive Goals for 2006: Hit 50 dives. Dive the dry tortugas.


Number of Dives: 81

Total Bottom Time: 54 hrs 48 min

Maximum Depth: 116

Coldest Water Dived: 50 Deg F, Wet

Warmest Water Diver: 86 Deg F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Grand Cayman, East End of course

2005 New Certification / Education: DIR-F Provisional

Favorite Dive: Any dive with my son, especially the reef dives in the caymans

Least Favorite Dive: Really a trip, went to San Clemente via the Encore, love the boat though, shall miss her. 5 hours to get there, cook cuts finger, 4 hours back to Avalon, first dive was little Farnsworth. Would've been good but I brought my son, JOW, and the site is at 85 feet, we did skills at 30 feet. Then an hour and such later up to Bird Rock and Isthmus Reef. So 11 hours on the boat, 3 dives, time spent with my son - priceless, ok so it wasn't my least favorite just a fun one to tell. Hard to find a least favorite.

New Equipment Purchased: Halcyon Eclipse

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Did better than I thought, more dives. My JOW hit 50.

Dive Goals for 2006: Dive more and pass Dir-F, more practice, more practice.

Number of Dives:28
Total Bottom Time:~24 hours

Maximum Depth:149 feet

Coldest Water Dived:55
Warmest Water Diver:84
Dive Location Farthest From My Home:Samara, Costa Rica

2005 New Certification / Education:AOW
Favorite Dive:Tunnels, Grand Bahamas
Least Favorite Dive: Aurora Res., Colorado

New Equipment Purchased: BC, 3mm vest

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Good

Dive Goals for 2006: Reach 100 dives

Why is the edit button missing on my post? I want to "buy" new fins, not "but" new fins. :D

Number of Dives: around 90 so far

Total Bottom Time: over 3791 mins (63 hours) from 75 logged dives

Maximum Depth: 111 fsw on 9/3/05, alki cove 2

Coldest Water Dived: 48 degrees

Warmest Water Diver: 55 degrees

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: san juans

2005 New Certification / Education: RecTriox, provisional

Favorite Dive: HELIUM!!!!

Least Favorite Dive: probably the one where my backup reg had a crushed exhuast valve and tried to drown me at 40 fsw...

New Equipment Purchased: doubles gear (regs, bands and manifold for my 130s), LP14 argon bottle, double X8-119s, new 400g DUI, 12mm hood, 60# evolve wing, still waiting for my gavin to arrive, but it was purchased in 2005...

How I did on my 2005 Goals: don't remember what i put down, but getting into doubles and taking rectriox were major ones.

Dive Goals for 2006: passing rectriox, taking wreck1, tech1, and possibly cave1, learning to scooter. diving the wrecks in nanaimo on doubles, helium, and some combination of scooters, penetration reels and deco bottles. diving in akumal. consistantly hit 75 ft breath-hold swim, 400 yd freestyle swim in under 10 mins (under 8 mins for bonus points). consistantly hit 0.45 SAC rate. lose some weight (get and stay under 190, and for bonus points, get under 180).
Why is the edit button missing on my post? I want to "buy" new fins, not "but" new fins. :D
I changed it for you ... (teamwork) ... :D

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

Number of Dives: 57

Total Bottom Time: 45:02:20

Maximum Depth: 110 fsw

Coldest Water Dived:52

Warmest Water Diver:64

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: San Diego

2005 New Certification / Education: None.

Favorite Dive: Terreana Resort (old Marineland)

Least Favorite Dive:

New Equipment Purchased: None

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Achieved all

Dive Goals for 2006: 75 dives

Other: Average dive time 47:24, Longest dive 1 hr 23 minutes.

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