2005 Dive Stats/2006 Dive Goals

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Number of Dives: 60 Dives

Total Bottom Time: 40.25 hours

Maximum Depth: 92'

Coldest Water Dived: 41F (wet, 7mm BARE SGS one piece)

Warmest Water Diver: 83F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Isla Coiba, Panama

2005 New Certification / Education: PADI - O/W, AOW, Enriched Air

Favorite Dive: There were mostly favourites: Dos Ojos Cenote, Tortugas, Niagara River, Isla Iguana, etc.

Least Favorite Dive: Catfish, Wood Lake (no depth)

New Equipment Purchased: Too much to list

How I did on my 2005 Goals: I came close to completing them all, and the years not over yet.

Dive Goals for 2006: Dive Galapagos in April, complete PADI Rescue Diver, and perhaps DM. Dive at least one other non-Canadian location, and dive more than 60 dives. Learn more about U/W photography with one of my 2005 purchases.

Sorry. I lost the thread for a couple of hours while I was watching the movie "Robots" with my son.

I've been diving and teaching semi-closed rebreathers for a few years. I decided to upgrade to closed circuit. I'm headed to French Polynesia in June (20th wedding anniversary). I'm hoping to get out your way to Yap 2007. What's the best time of year?



Number of Dives: 250

Total Bottom Time: 200 hours

Maximum Depth: 250'

Coldest Water Dived: 27 F

Warmest Water Diver: 88 F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Patagonia

2005 New Certification / Education: PADI - Ice Diver

Favorite Dive: Ice dive

Least Favorite Dive: Acapulco

New Equipment Purchased: Scubapro regs

How I did on my 2005 Goals: OK, wanted to dive under ice


Number of Dives: 22

Total Bottom Time: 10 hours, 6 minutes

Maximum Depth: 78

Coldest Water Dived: 64F

Warmest Water Diver: 82F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Kona, HI

2005 New Certification / Education: OW/AOW

Favorite Dive: Manta Ray Night Dive, Kona, HI

Least Favorite Dive: Medina Lake, near San Antonio, TX...night dive with 4' viz.

New Equipment Purchased: All of it.

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Much better than expected! Getting certified wasn't even in the plan for 2005!!! 2 trips to the tropics, and plenty of local diving made 2005 well worth the expense.

Dive Goals for 2006: Find doable "weekend" dives near home worth making. Take Rescue Diver course. See a shark...thus my planned trip to the Bahamas. And Kona again :inlove: . Need to dive at least once each calendar month in 2006. I missed October, November, and December for 2005.

Number of Dives: 115

Total Bottom Time: 91

Maximum Depth: 130

Coldest Water Dived: 45

Warmest Water Dived: 86

Dive Location(s) Farthest From My Home: Cabo San Lucas & Oahu

2005 New Certification / Education: Rescue, Drysuit, UW Nav., Search/Recovery, Deep, Wreck, Drift, Master Scuba. (Started Tec Rec Deep & DM).

Favorite Dive: 1st deep dive to 109 ft to see WWII Corsair Plane in Hawaii. (Approximately my 5th OW dive). Awesome experience. (Got me hooked).

Least Favorite Dive: Flooded suit at 85 ft. Returned to boat alone. Waited 1 hr for other two members of team to return and then long ride back in open boat. November-Canada-Cold-suit full of water. There was also a DCS dive/chamber ride this month, but the hit came upon surfacing, so the dive itself can’t be considered bad.:D

New Equipment Purchased: OMS BP/W with twin HP130’s, NAL80 side mounts, and 4 M25 /S550&S600 regs, Also…Delta wing, HP130 single tank & M25/S600 set up for regular rec.diving. OMS canister light, 2-DPV’s, Pony w/Apex200, argon, sig.clx450 drysuit. More miscellaneous crap than practical to list. (Needed pretty much everything from scratch [new diver and LDS's new best friend:D ]). Also complete single tank set up for wife, along with sig.flx50/50 drysuit. Smart tec, smart pro computers. New truck to haul all of the S_ _ t around with. ($If I only new up front, I may not have ever started$). Funny how the introductory dive was free.:wink:

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Exceeded (wanted to get to Master Scuba cert.).

Dive Goals for 2006: Complete DM course, complete Tec Rec Deep, and Tri-mix. DSAT nitrox/tri-mix blender. DAN O2. DPV spec. Get in at least 125 dives. Get wife through AOW, deep, and wreck cert.’s. Get my two youngest kids (girls 8&9) into scuba diving in pools and ready for JR OW in ‘07. (They’re already great OW snorkelers, and strong swimmers).

I was hoping to add trip to Bikini Atoll for some deco diving into ‘06, but looks like it is now cancelled until ’07. Hope to find something similar to do.

Oh yeah....and final goal....spend less money.eyebrow

Number of Dives: 52

Total Bottom Time: 36 hours

Maximum Depth: 95 feet

Coldest Water Dived: 48 degrees

Warmest Water Diver: 84 degres

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Cozumel

2005 New Certification / Education: OW/AOW/Rescue

Favorite Dive: Santa Rosa Wall, Cozumel

Least Favorite Dive: Dive #5, middle-ear barotrauma

New Equipment Purchased: All gear purchased and most recently, Canon A620 and Ikelite DS125

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Finally, certified after all these years of saying, "next year."

Dive Goals for 2006: Dry suit purchase, nitrox cert and more diving!

Number of Dives: 12

Total Bottom Time: 6.5 hrs.

Maximum Depth: 89 ft

Coldest Water Dived: 61 F - rescue class

Warmest Water Diver: 84 F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: British Virgin Islands

2005 New Certification / Education: NAUI naturalist, PADI rescue

Favorite Dive: Key Largo - City of Washington: see the look on my son's face when he saw his first barracuda and shark. Good vis and very little surge.

Least Favorite Dive: Key Largo - Molasses Reef: high surge & current, 6-7' waves, got swept past mooring line.

New Equipment Purchased: all of son's gear, my tank

2005 goals: finished rescue. Had two trips cancelled on me by shops.

Dive Goals for 2006: more local diving for myself and son. Epcot in Jan. Bonaire in June, liveaboard next Dec/Jan.
I'm going to blatantly rip off Rick Inman's post from a year ago and start a thread on what everyone did diving-wise this year, and goals for next year. If you posted 2005 goals in Rick's thread, here's the link so you can take a look and see how you did:
Hey! You beat me to it! :D

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.eyebrow Thanks for saving me the trouble.


Number of Dives: 160-ish

Total Bottom Time:?

Maximum Depth:127

Coldest Water Dived

Warmest Water Diver:80's

Dive Location Farthest From My Home:Cozumel

2005 New Certification / Education: Rescue / DIRF

Favorite Dive: Hummm... so many. Deception pass? Cozumel? Arrow Point, local lake. Finding the train wreck.

Least Favorite Dive: None.

New Equipment Purchased: Salvo 21W hid light :D, hp100, masks, lots of accessories.

How I did on my 2005 Goals: Goals were, Rescue, DIRF, Monterey CA trip. Did 'em all! :D

Dive Goals for 2006: Pass DIRF. Doubles. Improve basic skills.

Other: More dives with mentoring divers. More dives with the good people I have met through this board. Become a better Moderator

Number of Dives: 80 (this year isn't over yet)

Total Bottom Time: 77.4 Hours

Maximum Depth: 113'

Coldest Water Dived: 73 F

Warmest Water Diver: 85.3 F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Roatan

2005 New Certification / Education: AOW

Favorite Dive: Newman's Wall

Least Favorite Dive: The Benwood (key largo)

New Equipment Purchased: HP Steel 100, uwatec smart-com

How I did on my 2005 Goals: good

Dive Goals for 2006: 100+ dives in 1 year, rescue diver, diving more with my SB buddies.

Other: Maybe I should open my own dive shop :D
Number of Dives: 276

Total Bottom Time: 243 hours 29 minutes

Maximum Depth: 121 fsw

Coldest Water Dived: 42 degrees F

Warmest Water Diver: 86 degrees F

Dive Location Farthest From My Home: Bonaire (again)

2005 New Certification / Education: DAN Instructor, IANTD Rec Trimix, finally passed DIR-F

Favorite Dive: Salt Pier, Bonaire (the second one was very special)

Least Favorite Dive: the one where a stranger swam up to me at 90 fsw, signaled OOA, took my reg, and then attempted a rocket ascent to the surface

New Equipment Purchased: about $10,000 worth

How I did on my 2005 Goals: not all that well, but I did some neat things that weren't on them, so I'm satisfied

Dive Goals for 2006: get my body in better shape, get more comfortable with my doubles, take GUE Rec Triox, return to Bonaire (Sept. again), spend a few days in either Port Hardy (Van Isle) or Catalina Island

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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