I can't help but chime in on this one;
1 - Tech Divers are human and subject to bad decisions, conditions, moods, stupidity, etc., just like ANY diver of ANY level of certification or education.
2 - On a recent dive I had 2 separate incidents with 2 different tech divers. I caught one rinsing his mask in the camera bucket, ignoring ALL instructions in not to do so. I politely told him you should not be doing that. His response. "it's ok, it's just a little rinse". So I guess my $4000 camera rig, and others' cameras meant nothing to him. Wow, there's that "experience & training" in full swing. Same dive trip/day, we were experiencing strong current and all divers were re-called to the boat/step/ladder. My female buddy (5'3") had her hand on the ladder ready to come up and a male "tech diver" pushed her right out of the way with full force so HE could get up the ladder first. Absolutely no regard. I WAS BLOWN AWAY ! So much so, that I literally had to keep myself from putting my foot on top of his head and pushing him right under.
So with that said, I know I'm way off topic here, BUT, my experience with tech diver, (not all), has been tremendous ego's and constant "equipment issues". Not trying to offend anyone, and I'm certainly not perfect, but I am respectful and competent.