That's interesting. What you're describing sounds more like type I skin bends and possibly lymphatic bends which aren't associated with PFO, but it could also be an atypical cutis. Did you have any swelling anywhere?
What type of diving do you do? Breathing gas mixes? Wetsuit or drysuit? If you use a drysuit, what do you inflate it with? What decompression algorithm do you use, and if you use a computer, what settings are you using?
Best regards,
Didn't notice swelling but redness/pain were in the upper left arm/shoulder area both times. Pre-closure, cutis symptoms were thighs/abdomen/buttocks. Also pre-closure, I experienced severe fatigue after most dives, even if no other DCS symptoms were observed. Post-closure, that has resolved.
My dives are almost exclusively N. FL cave dives, 68F water temp, swimming dives on 32% nitrox. Drysuit, inflated with nitrox. Profiles of the 2 dives after which I had the upper arm pain are shown below. Similarities I noticed: same cave, first dive after a long break (20-30 days), high flow (moderate work on the way in, started feeling cool on the way out). Things I'm thinking of implementing: try 30/30 instead of 32% (further reduce nitrogen uptake), thicker undergarment and/or heater vest at deco (more efficient deco), DPV (less work)...
edited to add: these are not my longest dives, deepest dives, only deco dives, etc. I have 58 dives post-PFO closure, 18 in this cave and only 2 with symptoms. A definite improvement but before I start going deeper and even longer I want to better understand what might be going on.
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