Well I'm triggeredIt SHOULD be the entire spirit of dive instruction: to introduce and guide people to safely enjoy the underwater world. But should is a dangerous word. There are many shoulds/should nots in this world.
I think the industry could do a heck of a lot more for dive safety. In my area, there was a dive center that had 4 training deaths! The agency didn't do anything Fortunately it is now closed here, but unfortunatley the owner/course director relocated to Mexico. For another agency, a friend of mine reported the repeated dangerous violations at the dive center he worked. I've heard shite stories about pretty much all agencies from friends "living the dream" in different parts of the world Nothing happens most of the time.
As a business owner, I sometimes see egregious lack of ethics. Fortunately no one dies in my field. Just I see companies and employees getting screwed over. The only recourse are lawsuits, but as litigious as the United States is, a lot of people are hesitant to take that path. Scuba diving isn't any different. People are people. If they can make a buck, they will. When it comes to lawsuits, an agency will try to exhaust the family. I've seen that happen recently.
Word of warning. This comment may trigger some of my "fans."

So here's a scubaboard idea. Anyone remember the website 'rate my professor'
We could do the same but with dive instructors, on scubaboard or another separate site. Such that when these instructors that aren't up to standard, they get exposed real fast before they can make avoidable fatal mistakes.
Or I'm crazy and we should just accept the risks as-is...