** Laughing **
I can't address which CF cards are the best, but I got a good laugh from Herman regarding taking additional pictures. I am not laughing at Herman, but myself. I end up trying / needing to take a second (or third) picture a lot of times. When I screw up the shot and need to "try again" I have to wait for everything to get ready, so three seconds would be bad.
I once got a great picture of a piece of kelp surging right in front of a Scorpionfish. Hid the fish almost completely. I reset and took it again, but low batteries had the camera ready to fire before the flash was recharged. The second shot was a perfectly exposed shot of the Scorpionfish with no color.
Of course all these issues are more related to the operator than anything else. Herman is good, so he doesn't need to reshoot things. (not sarcasm, serious praise)
LIke others posting here, I keep a 512MB or 1GB CF as my main memory for photos, and a 512MB xD for back up, overflow and movies.
PS: at the Exotic Erotic Ball in San Francisco each year I end up accidentally bumping the memory switch and end up with pictures spread across both memory cards. Doh!
Wait wait wait . . I missed that, will you pose like that for another second?