While I can appreciate the argument that "there were shark bites on the body, so it's plausible a shark caused the accident", I'm definitely with the camp of "sharks have a hard enough time dealing with humans and could use all the help they can get to dispel misunderstandings of their behavior that are propagated by Hollywood to the ignorant masses."
I do my best to explain to non-divers that sharks are just like dogs: they both have teeth and tails, some are friendly, some are cautious, many people have an irrational fear of them, they both love getting treats from humans, they do their best to let you know when they're agitated, and on very rare occasion they get aggressive and can attack.
With that said, while walking my dog recently in our local park, he found a chicken wing (obviously leftover from a human picnic) on the ground and before I knew what he was doing he had grabbed it and taken a bite. He spit it out when I snapped at him. But I doubt anyone that finds the chicken wing will assume my dog killed the chicken.
We should give sharks the same consideration. I know dogs, in general, are cuter than sharks... but I've met some sharks that could really give dogs a run for their money in that category.
I do my best to explain to non-divers that sharks are just like dogs: they both have teeth and tails, some are friendly, some are cautious, many people have an irrational fear of them, they both love getting treats from humans, they do their best to let you know when they're agitated, and on very rare occasion they get aggressive and can attack.
With that said, while walking my dog recently in our local park, he found a chicken wing (obviously leftover from a human picnic) on the ground and before I knew what he was doing he had grabbed it and taken a bite. He spit it out when I snapped at him. But I doubt anyone that finds the chicken wing will assume my dog killed the chicken.
We should give sharks the same consideration. I know dogs, in general, are cuter than sharks... but I've met some sharks that could really give dogs a run for their money in that category.