Canon 500D (+2 diopters), 52mm, as recommended by Interceptor121
It's right here. And here's a direct link to my UW photo flickr album.
The shots from 2013 were taken without any dry diopter; I got the idea and tested various diopters in Feb 2014. After seeing the results, it was basically a no-brainer WRT corner sharpness. I've posted the test results on Wetpixel.
All shots from 2014 were taken with a +2 dry diopter. The two from December were with the Canon achromat, all the other were with the cheapo Vivitar single element +2 closeup lens.
And just to avoid confusion: I'm taking about a dry closeup lens, not a wet lens. It's used inside the dome, screwed into the lens' filter threads, to improve the poor corner sharpness which AFAIK is a quite common problem for almost any rectilinear WA inside a dome port.
Looks like the canon achromatic makes a real difference compared to the old 2014 images. The corners are tack sharp at f/4 and there is near to zero chromatic aberrations