What also counts here I think is. Less untrained divers go into caves nowadays (maybe increased awareness of the dangers, the STOP signs etc) so it now looks that more and more accidents are to do with trained cave divers. But maybe in actuality the ratio of trained vs. non trained has shifted, so that percentage wise it now seems that more trained cavers are getting hurt?karstdvr:For years we used to say cave fatalities were due to untrained cave divers entering a system,but that doesn't apply as much. We are seeing a trend toward trained cave diving deaths and some of those fall into two categories-medical related or exceeding experience level. I would say 1 in 14 easily too much. But,if you do the sport long enough you'll lose friends,and I've lost a few.
Bottom line is, you are FAR more likely to get hurt doing something dangerous if you are unaware of the dangers, of how to fix/handle situations etc. than when you are trained. This of course leaves out the 'Force Majeur' (acts of God). Since when your time is up, its up. It does not matter where you are, in bed or in a cave.
I would be interested to see how many accidents do happen without accounting for 'Force Majeur'.........trained vs non trained.... I think that would be a fair comparison.