tech diving

  1. OrcaTorch

    Dive into the 9 Eylul Wreck ship between 25-35 meters

    The 9 Eylul Wreck is a notable underwater site located off the coast of Karaburun in Izmir, Turkey. This wreck has garnered interest for its historical significance and is often explored by divers and marine enthusiasts. Video from Batuhan Ganiz
  2. Scuba-licia

    Technical Diving Instructor Survey

    Hi All, As a somewhat new tech diver (first certified April 2024) , a recreational scuba instructor for 20 years, and user experience designer by day, I am struggling to find a mental model across different types of technical diving (e.g: cavern and open water extended range) to get a better...
  3. N

    Question DGX Gears 4550 Canister Light

    Good afternoon dear Scuba friends, Thoughts on this light ? This versus something double the price ( or more ) ? Really appreciate your input :)
  4. Two Lighting Sources Mazu TD01 Dive Headlamp: The Ultimate Underwater Light Experience!

    Two Lighting Sources Mazu TD01 Dive Headlamp: The Ultimate Underwater Light Experience!

    OrcaTorch Mazu TD01 dive headlamp features two lighting sources, a main white light, and an auxiliary red light. The dive headlamp is designed for easy use and most divers. Learn more here -
  5. elubes

    Sold! 2017 JJ-CCR for sale (USA) - $7000

    I have a 2017 JJ-CCR (DiveCan) for sale for $7000. It's in great condition. Fully functional. Finished a CCR2 class on it. Zero problems. Includes everything in the attached pictures below. I bought the unit directly from Comes with the new version of the Halcyon JJ Wing...
  6. OrcaTorch

    Diving in the Schiefergrube Nuttlar of Bergwerktauchen Nuttlar

    Had a great time diving in the Schiefergrube Nuttlar of Bergwerktauchen Nuttlar. It is a renowned diving destination in Germany, divers can explore unique underwater environments, including submerged caves, tunnels, and mining relics. This special diving environment provides a unique experience...
  7. Oldbear

    Suggested Deep Diving Resources For Personal Library

    The other day while I was doing a Google search for an out-of-print book, "Oxygen Hacker's Companion by Vance Harlow", I came across this list of suggested books for your personal library. I found this blog article about suggested books for your personal library fascinating and thought I would...
  8. Stanleyh

    Sold! ScubaPro Galileo (G2) w/ Transmitter Brand New in Box

    Brand new in box, never used - asking for $850.00 Please note that this unit DOES NOT come with the heart rate monitor (hence the empty top slot in the box). Serious buyer please DM, I am often on trips, so I do apologize in advance if I don't reply quickly. FREE shipping to Con. U.S. after...
  9. SpaceCased

    Sold! Zeagle Ranger Tech BCD with 65lb bladder

    Hello. Selling a “like new” Zeagle Ranger Tech BCD with a 65lb bladder. I only dove with this once as it was a gift from a girlfriend and was the wrong size. The 65lb bladder is $450+. It can be fit on the ranger, Zeagle metal backplates, and ranger ltd. The BCD is size large (LG). It is in...
  10. W

    Apeks Black Ice for Twin Tank setup

    Hi guys, I’ve seen the twin tank conversion kit for the Apeks black Ice BCD. Doesn’t look terribly secure compared to other doubles set up. Has anyone here gone down this track? Would love to know any experience on this or if there is a way to hack this into a more comfortable harness and...
  11. Long-John-Silver

    UNDERWATER ITALY: Discovering The Deep Mediterranean Sea

    Today we launch Underwater Italy, a new video channel dedicated to deep diving in the Mediterranean sea. The YouTube channel is a container through which me and my buddy Claudio Valerio narrate about our dives in the twilight zone, a depth interval, where coral forests, sponge gardens and...
  12. H

    Tech in Thailand: Soliciting diveshop Recommendations

    Hey Everyone! I recently did my TDI Intro to Tech in the Gilis and I'm planning to visit Thailand in Dec '22 to do a few tech courses - TDI AN+Helitrox, followed by TDI Trimix. I believe it will take me 8-10 days to work through both of these courses, so am planning for a 12-14 day trip. The...
  13. LFMarm

    Strategy for bailout calculation

    I have been playing with developing bailout plans for CCR dives. The approach I was trained on is to calculate gas required for safe ascent to surface taking into account all deco obligations from the worst possible point of the dive (typically the end of the bottom part of the dive). I would...
  14. Thomas Fair

    Choosing a Drysuit and Finding the Right Fit

    I'm sure this has been talked about many times before, but I would really like to compile some information before I go out and drop 2-3k on a drysuit. I am currently looking for a drysuit of moderate price but I really don't know anything about them. I am someone who is big and tall ( 350 -...
  15. V

    FOR SALE - Dive Rite O2 Deco Regulator w/ Luxfer Alm 40

    I think I have this in the correct place. I have a Dive Rite O2 Deco Regulator with a Mini-SPG in PSI with a Luxfer Aluminum 40cf Cylinder for sale. I purchased the set from Dive Gear Express in late 2017. The tank is still in hydro and has about 2800 lbs of O2 currently in it. I last used...
  16. The Cosmicist

    From Tech-nicool to Tech-nicolor - The Color Thread

    This is purely for fun... So much diving gear, especially that branded to be technical diving gear, is dark or black. I now read the word sometimes as technicool (similar to the tactical --> tacticool boom over the past two decades with military gear). Why not bring some color to your next reef...
  17. Darcy Kieran

    First look at the "Economics" of a Tech Diving Instructor

    The "Economics" of being a tech diving instructor posted in InDepth magazine: The Economics of Being a Tech Diving Instructor ...and part 2 about recreational (non-tech) instructors: The Economics of Being a Recreational Scuba Diving Instructor
  18. Invader

    Closed PST HP100s Galvanized

    TRADING HP100s Manifolded doubles, hydro/vis 2020. Genesis manifold, rebuilt 2020. Looking for a pair of LP108s manifolded doubles or with L/R plugged valves. Will sell, but the cash value will be higher. Location: Greater Atlanta area. I do travel to cave country monthly. I will...
  19. Larry Gatz

    For Sale Aladin Tec 2G Dive Computer

    For Sale: Used Two gas dive computer, Aladin Tec 2G. $250 OBO, make me an offer! § Nitrox Computer (21-100%) § 2-Separate Nitrox Mix Capabilities § User-Selectable MOD When 02 Mix Is Set § Gauge Mode with Stopwatch Function and Average Depth Indicator § Decompression Dive Planner §...
  20. knuhol

    Wreck diving - how to proceed

    Hello divers, I think a lot about my future diving and how to proceed into the level I want to and would like to brainstorm a bit my ideas with you to have another insight, opinions and maybe recommendations :-) First, bit about my diving history, skills and interest: I did my OWD + basic...
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