Waterproof SD Combat 7mm - any reviews?

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I need to buy a 7mm-ish semidry, the Waterproof SD Combat 7mm looks like an option but I can't find many reviews for it - does anyone on here have any experience with it?
I have the Waterproof W7 7mm and love it. I also have the W7 5mm. It's very flexible on the elbows and knees and easy to get in and out of, practically a semi-dry if used with the additional neck seal.

I did try the 7mm semi-dry and found it much more difficult to get in and out of, due to the horizontal back zipper and the "plastic" knee pads that would not allow me to roll off the suit from the knees down. One of the dive shop staff had to help me remove the suit 🤣
I have a Waterproof SD Combat and have discussed its virtues a few times in various discussion threads on ScubaBoard. Unfortunately, I never started a thread specifically to review it, but if you do an advance search for my user name and key words you should be able to find my posts. Here are some links:

There are other discussion where I posted about the Combat SD, but the info is generally the same.

I think the SD Combat is a great semi-dry suit and it works for me exceptionally well. I have posted in the past that it works so well that I can probably convert it to a drysuit by just adding an inflator and dump valve.

I highly recommend trying the suit on in-person as they don't fit everyone....even mine, when I got it, fit a bit loose in the mid section that I was able to fix by wearing a thin neoprene sleeveless pullover underneath.

If there is anything specific you have questions about just let me know.

I have a Waterproof SD Combat and have discussed its virtues a few times in various discussion threads on ScubaBoard. Unfortunately, I never started a thread specifically to review it, but if you do an advance search for my user name and key words you should be able to find my posts. Here are some links:

There are other discussion where I posted about the Combat SD, but the info is generally the same.

I think the SD Combat is a great semi-dry suit and it works for me exceptionally well. I have posted in the past that it works so well that I can probably convert it to a drysuit by just adding an inflator and dump valve.

I highly recommend trying the suit on in-person as they don't fit everyone....even mine, when I got it, fit a bit loose in the mid section that I was able to fix by wearing a thin neoprene sleeveless pullover underneath.

If there is anything specific you have questions about just let me know.

Cheers Zef! What is the actual neoprene like on the SD Combat? Soft and flexible or ?
Cheers Zef! What is the actual neoprene like on the SD Combat? Soft and flexible or ?

The neoprene is thick...but stretchy. I like the glove like fit my suit has on me, but on land I can feel the areas with the ruggedized fabric and the kneepads and can feel them restrict movement, but I don't feel those restrictions inhibit my ability to put on or take off the suit nor do I feel any restrictions when I am in the water.

When you feel the suit, even before you try it on, it definitely gives you the sense that the suit is bombproof, that it will stand up to whatever you will throw at it.

As I mentioned in some of the other posts, my suit works really well at keeping me dry...so much so that I have gotten squeeze in the upper thigh/groin areas and across the zipper in the back. It never got to the point where it was unbearable and it felt more like the seams of the suit pressing into my skin, but I found any discomfort from that can be alleviated by wearing a rash guard and thin running tights under the suit....

...so a good recommendation is to wear those layers when you try the suit on.

I don't use my Combat SD as an every-day dive suit. I don't use it in water temps above 15C (@ 60F), and I don't use it below 10C (@ 50F). I use my Combat SD for what I call "transitional water temperatures"...those temps that are too cold for my 5mm wetsuit and too warm for my drysuit.

I admit that I am spoiled by having 3 diving suits, but when I had the opportunity to buy it I was diving at least twice a week all year in relatively cold waters. I also bought my Combat SD used at a price that was too good to pass up by someone who was no longer interested in diving and the suit seemed like it had seen very few dives when it was offered to me.

When I got the suit the neck seal and wrist seals were too big for me and I had my local shop tailor them....its been a couple of years since I have used the suit and have put on some weight and now that I am thinking about it, I am concerned that the neck might be too tight now....oh well.

One thing I found, and have posted about in other threads, is that if I tuck in the grey skinned material around the ankles, it seals too well and I struggle to get air out of the suit to make my initial descent. If I leave the grey material around the ankles untucked, I can duck dive and let excess air vent through the ankle openings and have no problem getting down.

The Waterproof Combat SD is a very robust semi-dry suit that will keep you warm and relatively dry, and will withstand just about anything you can throw at it.

The neoprene is thick...but stretchy. I like the glove like fit my suit has on me, but on land I can feel the areas with the ruggedized fabric and the kneepads and can feel them restrict movement, but I don't feel those restrictions inhibit my ability to put on or take off the suit nor do I feel any restrictions when I am in the water.

When you feel the suit, even before you try it on, it definitely gives you the sense that the suit is bombproof, that it will stand up to whatever you will throw at it.

As I mentioned in some of the other posts, my suit works really well at keeping me dry...so much so that I have gotten squeeze in the groin area and across the zipper in the back. It never got to the point where it was unbearable and it felt more like the seams of the suit pressing into my skin, but that can be alleviated by wearing a rash guard and thin running tights under the suit....

...so a good recommendation is to wear those layers when you try the suit on.

I don't use my Combat SD as an every-day dive suit. I don't use it in water temps above 15C (@ 60F), and I don't use it below 10C (@ 50F). I use my Combat SD for what I call "transitional water temperatures"...those temps that are too cold for my 5mm wetsuit and too warm for my drysuit.

I admit that I am spoiled by having 3 diving suits, but when I had the opportunity to buy it I was diving at least twice a week all year in relatively cold waters. I also bought my Combat SD used at a price that was too good to pass up by someone who was no longer interested in diving and the suit seemed like it had seen very few dives when it was offered to me.

When I got the suit the neck seal and wrist seals were too big for me and I had my local shop tailor them....its been a couple of years since I have used the suit and have put on some weight and now that I am thinking about it, I am concerned that the neck might be too tight now....oh well.

One thing I found, and have posted about in other threads, is that if I tuck in the grey skinned material around the ankles, it seals too well and I struggle to get air out of the suit to make my initial descent. If I live the grey material around the ankles untucked, I can duck dive and let excess air vent through the ankle openings and have no problem getting down.

The Waterproof Combat SD is a very robust semi-dry suit that will keep you warm and dry, and will withstand just about anything you can throw at it.

Cheers Zef - tons of good information there. Will have to head to the shop to try one on.
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