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Meersburg: Tauchlehrer muss nach Unfall im Bodensee reanimiert werden
Rettungseinsatz im Bodensee vor Meersburg: Ein Tauchlehrer und seine Schülerin mussten per Notaufstieg zurück an die Wasseroberfläche. Das taten sie ohne die nötigen Stopps, was sich beim Lehrer sofort bemerkbar machte.

Diving instructor has to be resuscitated after an accident in Lake Constance
Rescue operation in Lake Constance near Meersburg: A diving instructor and his student had to use an emergency ascent to return to the surface of the water. They did this without the necessary stops, which the teacher noticed immediately.
A 55-year-old diving instructor completed a training dive down to a water depth of around 50 meters with a 38-year-old diving student on Friday in Lake Constance near Meersburg. Difficulties arose during the ascent back to the surface of the water, which is why a joint emergency ascent was made, according to the police headquarters in Göppingen. This emergency ascent happened without observing the actually necessary exit steps.
Instructor falls unconscious
Arrived at the water surface, the diving instructor noticed the first signs of a so-called decompression sickness. As a result, he became unconscious and had to be resuscitated by the rescue workers and police officers from the water police who were called, the report goes on to say.
Fire brigade helps with rescue
Rescuing the diver proved to be very difficult at the site of the accident and could only be done with the help of the fire brigade and a crane. Both the resuscitated diving instructor and his diving student are currently in the hospital in Überlingen for further treatment. There is a pressure chamber in which diving diseases can be treated. The investigations into the course of the accident are being conducted by the water police in Überlingen.