Shelter in Place Diving

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Question-- I don't pay for anything except phone calls & texting (no internet, no data, etc.). Can my phone still be "tracked" if I take it with me?

Your phone has to talk to the tower in order to function. In a sense you can either "opt out" or have a working phone. It's not all bad: if you call 911 it's how the ambulance knows where to go find you.
Glad to hear that your wife's knee issue was over with prior to lockdown. My mother is slated for surgery on May 4th. She's expecting to be there for 3-4 days with no visitors allowed.
Thanks. At least it's a short stay for your mother. I feel bad for those trapped in there for weeks or more. I was in for an operation for about 3 weeks a year ago right now.
Just waiting for pollen to stop so I can take the cover off the pool!!! It's just the right temp to test my new 5 mil~!
Double that, Our lake is a hot mess, as soon as the yellow scum goes away, will get under to check the dock pilings out
From an undisclosed location on the Suwanee River.
1 of the reasons I still have a flip phone ...........I can take the battery out
I think most of the world is under a shelter in place order. Some are able to get to open water, but others do not have that luxury. What kind of diving are you doing at home? Videos and/and Pictures?

I bought this used DUI drysuit from scubaboard and have been waiting to try it out. With 4 kids at home, my wife-buddy and I can't get to the open water since we have no one to watch our kids. I could no longer wait, so I went down to the basement to kit up and did my shallowest dive yet. I might just have to purchase that intex pool that has been sitting in my amazon cart if this goes on much longer.

Ya forgot to dump the air from yer BCD ... had ya done that you might have been able to hit the bottom.
Pulled the cover off the pool 10 days ago. Was 54f at that point. Is up to a balmy 66f now so this weekend I'll be diving the pool to "clean" it...At least that's what I'm telling Mrs. Flush

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