I know FL cave country is pretty notorious for overfilling....lets face it, I think they're the cowboys and the outlaws of the US. I mean, it is FL after all
In all seriousness though, what is acceptable to overfill a tank to? I'm not really looking to overfill my tanks, but I'd like to have them be at what they're supposed to be when they're cooled off which requires at least a little overfill at first. Some places around here are not willing to do so (or at least I haven't asked). So I end up with ~3200 or so in my 3442's.
Is the reason shops won't over fill due to the liability? I know one shop that fills mine to ~ 3700 or 3800?, so they're really nice when cooled. Should I be asking for this? Is there a law or something that prevents this?
I know hydro is 5/3 working pressure, so I'm assuming it's 5737 in my 3442's. In my tiny scuba brain 3800 psi for a few min won't hurt anything compared to that.
What do you get your tanks filled to? What's the acceptable overfill in cave country? I know what's on paper, but I know there are slight differences in the real world.
Thanks! Hope everyone is staying safe!

In all seriousness though, what is acceptable to overfill a tank to? I'm not really looking to overfill my tanks, but I'd like to have them be at what they're supposed to be when they're cooled off which requires at least a little overfill at first. Some places around here are not willing to do so (or at least I haven't asked). So I end up with ~3200 or so in my 3442's.
Is the reason shops won't over fill due to the liability? I know one shop that fills mine to ~ 3700 or 3800?, so they're really nice when cooled. Should I be asking for this? Is there a law or something that prevents this?
I know hydro is 5/3 working pressure, so I'm assuming it's 5737 in my 3442's. In my tiny scuba brain 3800 psi for a few min won't hurt anything compared to that.
What do you get your tanks filled to? What's the acceptable overfill in cave country? I know what's on paper, but I know there are slight differences in the real world.
Thanks! Hope everyone is staying safe!