I was recently on a Belize livaboard trip with my girlfriend and several members of ScubaBoard and I was the only one out of about 24 divers who carried a pony bottle. One of them asked me why I carried the bottle and my answers are also in direct response to the question posed by the Op.
1- My girlfriend doesn't always dive with me. On that trip I did every available dive (about 27) she did about 2/3 that amount. When not diving with her (or my siblings on other dive vacations) I prefer to dive alone rather than take my chances with an instabuddy. Even if the unknown buddy is a good diver, it's still inconvenient to have to keep track of where they are, let them know I want to go this way or that way to see something interesting, etc. It is without question that solo divers must have the redundancy in the form of an independent bottle. It's mandated by the solo diver certification and most dive ops will enforce if it they allow solo diving at all- which the Belize Aggressor 1V does.
2- Piece of mind. On a Cozumel trip a year or two back I didn't bring the pony bottle which is not typical for me. As I type this I forget why, perhaps I didn't expect to be doing much in the way of deeper dives, or there wasn't that much diving planned for that particular trip and I didn't want to bother lugging it around. Anyway I didn't have it. On one dive -think it was Palancar Deep-, I swam away from the group as I often do and was perhaps 30 years into a swimthrough and it suddenly occurred to me that if I had a catastropic failure of my regulator, or burst a hose I'd never make it back out and to the surface or to the group in time and it made me feel rather tense. Having that pony bottle allows me to enjoy my diving more because just knowing it's there allows me to relax when I'm off on my own.
3- I mentioned it earlier but just to round out this post and make it complete for those who didn't read the entire thread and to clarify what seems to be a confusing point- I typically "use" the pony bottle (without EVER taking a breath from it) as a reserve to my main tank gas which allows me to draw more gas from the main tank and surface with perhaps 200 psi or even less. That amounts to many hours of extra diving time over the years. Again I am not "extending the dive by using the pony", I am extending the dive because I am not surfacing with 700 psi in my main tank that will never be used.
1- My girlfriend doesn't always dive with me. On that trip I did every available dive (about 27) she did about 2/3 that amount. When not diving with her (or my siblings on other dive vacations) I prefer to dive alone rather than take my chances with an instabuddy. Even if the unknown buddy is a good diver, it's still inconvenient to have to keep track of where they are, let them know I want to go this way or that way to see something interesting, etc. It is without question that solo divers must have the redundancy in the form of an independent bottle. It's mandated by the solo diver certification and most dive ops will enforce if it they allow solo diving at all- which the Belize Aggressor 1V does.
2- Piece of mind. On a Cozumel trip a year or two back I didn't bring the pony bottle which is not typical for me. As I type this I forget why, perhaps I didn't expect to be doing much in the way of deeper dives, or there wasn't that much diving planned for that particular trip and I didn't want to bother lugging it around. Anyway I didn't have it. On one dive -think it was Palancar Deep-, I swam away from the group as I often do and was perhaps 30 years into a swimthrough and it suddenly occurred to me that if I had a catastropic failure of my regulator, or burst a hose I'd never make it back out and to the surface or to the group in time and it made me feel rather tense. Having that pony bottle allows me to enjoy my diving more because just knowing it's there allows me to relax when I'm off on my own.
3- I mentioned it earlier but just to round out this post and make it complete for those who didn't read the entire thread and to clarify what seems to be a confusing point- I typically "use" the pony bottle (without EVER taking a breath from it) as a reserve to my main tank gas which allows me to draw more gas from the main tank and surface with perhaps 200 psi or even less. That amounts to many hours of extra diving time over the years. Again I am not "extending the dive by using the pony", I am extending the dive because I am not surfacing with 700 psi in my main tank that will never be used.