Show me your Nice Knife! Vintage BFKs welcome

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Savannah, GA
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100 - 199
I have decided recently that every scuba knife I have ever owned has kind of sucked! First I wore a great big 1990s BFK in a plastic case that was easy to deploy but awkward to wear. It was titanium, and seemed really dull from the start, and I wasn’t any good at sharpening it. Maybe I need to have it professionally sharpened. It was good for cheese and crackers.

Kelp would hang up on it, and I got so familiar with the feeling that I would just reach down and unloop the kelp without looking.

Scubaboard convinced me that BFKs were out of style (for some unknown reason), and I went down the path of tiny stupid Little knives, that I found are very good for cutting ones forefinger on when attempting to cut line, (which they nevertheless would fail to cut). My Scubapro DIR type knife was also excellent at sneaking out of its Velcro webbing holster, and I resorted to cutting off the Velcro and bungeeing it around the belt and itself, which of course would’ve made it harder to deploy, but gave it a leash. It also is titanium, hard to sharpen, and I dremeled out the spot my forefinger liked to land on, which made it safer but even shorter.

Recently I bought a small aqualung squeeze knife, thinking to replace the Scubapro POS, got it home, tried to cut some line, cut myself, I noticed how cheap the plastic tabs were that held it in, cleaned it with alcohol and returned it.

I am left-handed so that may have something to do with my problem with sharp implements: for example shears don’t always work for me, things can just fold instead of cut. Single beveled blades are beveled on the wrong side.

I went ahead and bought a cheap folding sailor’s rigging knife from West Marine. It’s only sharp on one side, with a down curved end and serration. I took it home and easily cut rope with it, and it’s bungeed to my BC, but I’m not sure if I could deploy with one hand.

I would like to be more educated on the subject, and I think especially that I am lusting after a sexy vintage knife. What knife do you carry and why? Please post pics!
My knives:
Beginning with 001, how's this for sexy? It was my ex-wife's and purchased in the early to mid-80s. It was made by Tabata. It might be rare.

004 is the Gerber which is stainless steel. It's the Swiss Army Knife of serious sportsmen. It might be good for removing fish hooks from the mouths of eels and sharks. I'll let you know if I ever actually do it. I have not used it yet but plan on making a small pocket for it on my BP/W. It wouldn't let me upload the picture of the scissors, screwdrivers, etc.

006 and 007 are the Blue Reef Folding Knife. LeisurePro had a Shopping Cart Special and I got it for $8. Not only that, it comes in Orange! I have a special pocket for it so I can get away with bringing it in such places as Cozumel. The line cutter is available when it's folded so I think it's an improvement over the one you have pictured.

Blue Reef Scuba Folding Knife

009 is my letter opener. I figure it's probably all we really need for cutting fishing line etc. On the eBay listing it said "stainless steel" but some of the Chinese seem to think stainless steel is a color, not a material. It has it's own special pocket.

012 is what I would call the standard dive knife of the 60s and 70s. I has a blunt end that ought to be good for tenderizing abalone. Too bad we can't take the abalone. It also says "Diver's Knife" on it, just in case you might have any doubts.

015 is MY KNIFE. I bought it around 1967 or 68. It went with me on every dive I ever made until I started traveling and they wouldn't let me bring it in my carry-on or take it on the dive boat. It is probably rare. It has had many straps and right now I'm using inner tube rubber and side-release buckles. I think these are the best straps ever. It also has a spare tank O-ring on the handle, where the strap attaches.

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Ohh I like your old Mares BFK, with the nice big fingers slipping onto that blade! So, how many do you carry?
My Mini-Fogcutter. I greased the blade after cleaning and putting it in storage.


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That fog cutter looks useful if your hands can operate it... a lot of time things like that don’t work for small hands (small thumb finger spread can prevent full opening, lesser strength can prevent closing)

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