This is not going to turn into a battle between you and me, but there is not a single fact in your post. Not one. You post a series of opinions on the overall quality of all products from a certain nation and the trade policies of a nation tat uses them. You may fervently believe those opinions, and I may even agree with them to a degree, but fervently believing in the accuracy of your opinions does not make them facts. You can support those opinions with facts that will convince others that those opinions are valid, but they will still be opinions.
I can try to explain to you the difference between a fact and an opinion, but this is not the place.
Please don't bother. Irrespective of your valued opinion it is clear so far that your argument is purely based on semantics, syntax, misused dictation, spelling and grammar, so far non of which has been relevant to the questions raised, or the safety involved, or the unforeseen consequence of continuing in your pointless off topic point scoring may have to a diver considering purchasing an unqualified paintball compressor for diving.
The separation of compressed air used as breathing gas for diving as opposed to compressed air used for other purposes such as paintball/airgun is fundamental to the differences in scope, suitability, safety and supply.
I trust you understand and appreciate the complexity and responsibility of wrong advice to a diver on a divers forum might produce.
Both camps, air compressors for diving and air compressors for paint ball are by definition and application worlds apart and as this is a diving forum I feel personally that we should limit our response to breathing air applications for diving only and not tolerate paintball et al.
However as manufacturers and suppliers on both sides blur the lines between the two markets for the sake of profit and sales it does become difficult to factor the correct response as a fellow forum member.
But as this is a divers forum for divers in my book divers safety will always take precedence however uncomfortable this position takes. Any diver reading about compressors needs to be aware that there are many compressors around suited for the paintball/airgun market and these junk products are not suitable for breathing applications under pressure.
Now It’s really that simple, two camps, two positions, two products, further complicated by the fact that in the event of the mixing up of these two products only one can result in the death of only the diver.
If you cannot see the distinction between the two applications and my reason for critique to the latter then I am sorry.
I have no interest in your pontification regarding the difference between fact or opinion, this remains a divers forum for divers, come on here expecting grace and favour with your Chinese junk then please think again, reconsider and refrain from thinking its OK for divers breathing when you clearly haven’t a clue.
Now by contrast I am quite happy to take each of the points made earlier about this paintball compressor in the earlier posts and add to each of them in salient detail further explanation in order for you and others to make that critical distinction as divers when it comes to the gas we breathe under pressure and the suitability of the products used to produce. Iain