Anyone else have trouble meeting others our age who dive? Why is that?

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I am 53 and just got certified a year ago. Now I am AOW too. You don't need people your own age to dive (or any other sport) with to enjoy it. I dove with kids in their teens and men in their 70's. You can learn from others and teach them what you know.
My other sports are mountain bike racing, road cycling (I ride with any age, 15 to 80), canoe camping (with my kids), downhill and crosscountry skiing (by myself or with whoever is going). If you label yourself with an age and think you need to be with other your age, you will miss out on a lot.
BTW, you asked 'What's the most fun you have had in a scuba suit?' My mask almost leaked from smiling so much! IMG_4548 B.jpg
I am 53 and just got certified a year ago. Now I am AOW too. You don't need people your own age to dive (or any other sport) with to enjoy it. I dove with kids in their teens and men in their 70's. You can learn from others and teach them what you know.
My other sports are mountain bike racing, road cycling (I ride with any age, 15 to 80), canoe camping (with my kids), downhill and crosscountry skiing (by myself or with whoever is going). If you label yourself with an age and think you need to be with other your age, you will miss out on a lot.
BTW, you asked 'What's the most fun you have had in a scuba suit?' My mask almost leaked from smiling so much!
IMG_4548 B.jpg
There are a lot of divers our age and older in CO. I have met many. I say I because my wife does not dive but is still able/willing to go on some of the trips I have taken. I have yet to talk her into going with me on a live aboard and probably never will. the Group trips that the different shops put together is a great way to meet other divers. You could go on a couple of them, meet some of the people there and then start planning your own trips with your new found friends that dive. That is what I have done, and it works well. I have been on trips with people from 15 to75, there are a lot of us along the front range. For that matter, you can plan your own trips and meet people when you get there. Divers are generally a very friendly bunch. Good luck!
I usually dive alone as I get a lot more diving done that way but when I am diving with someone else age is not a concern. I dive with whom ever wants to go regardless of age or experience. Try this site for local divers. You can either post in the "buddy wanted" section or click on the "local dive" section at the top of the page to look up divers in your area to contact.

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I actually enjoy that diving is a sport where I can hang around with youngsters and more importantly keep up with them (water is a great equalizer). I believe mixing it up with the young crowed keeps you learning, I find this both at work (computer programmer) and play. Too many old people are BORING, all they do is talk about their medical conditions and football scores.
Or, you could join us on the Scubaboard Invasion (location changes from year to year) They are great fun and you come to know the repeat invaders and make friends. :thumb:

Forget looking for homegrown in CO. I second Gator's advice to join a Scubaboard Invasion trip. The dives all tend to be in the warm tropical destinations, where you indicated your relatives would be too hot. The age groups range from the 20's to 80's, with a lot off the bell curve in the 50's. I went on my first SB Invasion this summer in Bonaire with my son. Incredible week! Wonderful, fun, interesting group of people. You can really make some good dive buddies that you will keep in touch with moving forward.
I am also in Colorado and just turned 30. We funnily enough are trying to find people our age to dive with and have tried to grow our own, however baby making seems to have gotten in the way for most folks in our age range. I have nothing against diving with older divers (and would love to find a local mentor, maybe we will finally hook up with boulderjohn once I recover from surgery), but I would say the majority of divers I run in to are older and have much more experience and disposable income, i.e., their travel style and destinations are out of our range (fiscally and skills), ruling out travel buddies which is what we are really looking for since we live in Colorado and like those warm water dive trips.

How about Scubaboard Invasion Cozumel for 2015?
I'm over 50 and I found the ultimate dive buddy:

I'm over 50 and I found the ultimate dive buddy:


Does he go by the name of Al?
Do people stare are you when you talk to him on the SI?
On the bright side, I bet he shares his post dive beer with you :-)

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