2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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For some odd reason it took me a long time to stumble onto this thread. It's interesting reading, I was wondering what goals everybody had set for themselves? I believe specific goals are important in weight loss programs.

I started my own program on Feb 11, after my doc told me I had very high BP, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, I was 340lbs, and I'm ugly. I figured I couldn't fix the last one, but the rest I could take care of.

I started back on a program I created almost a decade ago; I wanted to be a body builder back then. The diet consist of eating the right foods at the right time, the glycolic index thing: long before the marketing people at jenny Craig and weight watchers started selling it, taking a suppliment I created myself, and walking.

My goal is 200lbs @ 10% bady fat. This is about the same as I was at age 40.

To date: normal BP 120/82, cholesterol 74, normal blood suger 70-110, 260lbs, but I haven't had much luck with the ugly thing.

Thanks for listening, DW
Welcome Deepwater! Glad you found us. I just looked at your profile and we joined SB on the same day! Imagine that!
yeah...we're twins, I'll be the older one and you can be the cuter one.
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WOW!!! You are older. How's that grey hair treating ya? LOL :rofl3:

Ok, I'll be the cuter one. :wink:
hair...what hair
Back in the exercise wagon.

Today, did 20 minutes on the bicycle exercise machine. Hopefully tomorrow more.
Ran an hour tonight. Ok, more like a slow jog.. but I did get an hour in. Ran the first 15-20 min in my VFF sprints. Delightful! Then traded them for the sneakers. They felt like snowmobile boots! Big, clunky, and I noticed right away how my form changed. It didn't take me long to realize it was feeling like work running. It rained. I kept on a running. The dogs played. The new (obese) foster tried to follow me. He did pretty good, but the longer I went the slower he got. Never did figure it out, if he just stood still, I would be by very soon! LOL All pups are sleeping. Life is good.
Diving tomorrow morning. Whoo hoo!!!
8365 steps, distance 4.29 miles (uh, maybe not.. my stride is a lot shorter now), 631 calories. Where is that ice cream? :D
Glad to hear everyone is still working out! I am taking it slightly easy because of the foot. I have been doing more swimming and my stroke is definitely improving as a result. Bought a waterproof housing for my iPod shuffle this evening so I al looking forward to using that. We'll see how it works. Hope you all are doing well.
Monday 6/7/10 - Swimming Laps. 45 minutes of pretty constant swimming. Got to try out my new underwater iPod Shuffle House and it was so nice to have some tunes whilst swimming. Huzzah. 3/4 mile.
Nice Sarita! Swimming sounds delightful!
Saturday I went diving! Whoo hoo!!! The erojacks are probably the toughest beach dive here as they are sitting in between two entrances, both a good swim aways. The current was running north towards the jacks, so going wasn't bad. I hit them, followed on the north side all the way east to the end, then turned around and started back. Solo diving, despite being with a loose, large group of about 20, has its rewards. I came upon a group of about 7 and it suddenly felt like I was in the middle of NYC! LOL Also, there were 3 boats anchored that I had to negotiate with my flag..decided to head south, back to the entrance and it took over 25 min. of easy swimming, against the slight current to get near the exit. In that time I came upon a small turtle. Nice.

I went for a nice hour long walk on Sunday at the doggie park. No speed, or distance, but just a nice leisurely pace. Stopped to toss a ball to Lyla, or pick up some BSS, talk to a dog owner, and amble on.

Yesterday, Monday, I did the wii SportsActive for a half hour. Good work out.
Today is yoga. Tomorrow off.

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