BP/W: I officially don't get it

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Cmon.... did anyone really take the video seriously?

It was all in good fun... IF someone thought that was for real I have a golden BP&W with a magical unicorn bladder to sell them :wink:

So I'll ask you also...

Do you think there is anything wrong with someone choosing a bcj over a bp/w? :)

Do you believe that there are any applications where a bcj would be a better choice than a bp/w? :)

edit: and I did mention that I thought the video was entertaining :)
Why is it no one on the bp/w crowd wants to address the issue of CHOICE. Why insist anyone who doesn't dive exactly the way you do, must be some kind of idiot?

I haven't noticed anyone doing that, but I have seen a lot of people making that accusation.
Do you think there is anything wrong with someone choosing a bcj over a bp/w? :)
Not unless their choice doesn't meet their needs as well as the other option. For example, if you choose a jacket and then complain it squeezes your chest when inflated and is hard to carry stage rigged cylinders with, you may have made a choice I would consider "wrong" for you.

Do you believe that there are any applications where a bcj would be a better choice than a bp/w? :)
Yeah, I think they're perfect for people who feel more comfortable when they're semi vertical in the water column, or who feel more secure with a wrap-around bladder hugging them on the surface. It's also a great choice for employees of dive shops that don't sell BP/W rigs, and for divers who want an out-of-the-box BC they won't have to set up before using. There are a lot of applications for which one is arguably as good as the other, but these are the only applications I can think of where the jacket might be a superior choice.
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apologies... should have read the rest of the thread first :) Fair enough.... the discussion doesn't always seem so civilized though. I've seen some very condescending posts. Sorry if you choose to ignore that fact :) Didn't I see that a number of posts were deleted in this thread by the moderator?

Even though I personally have chosen a bp/w setup for all the reasons that have been so thoroughly discussed here, I don't understand why if someone says, "I dive a bcj and I'm happy with it", people would argue with it.

Peace :)
Even though I personally have chosen a bp/w setup for all the reasons that have been so thoroughly discussed here, I don't understand why if someone says, "I dive a bcj and I'm happy with it", people would argue with it.

If they're good in the water (read: excellent buoyancy and trim), and the jacket-style BCD works for them, and meets all of their needs, then unless they're curious about trying a different system, I see no reason why someone should switch.

On the other hand, if they're having trouble with basic buoyancy and trim, and/or their jacket-style BCD has specific shortcomings that would be better served by a bp/w, then perhaps they should consider trying a different system. (Be it rear-inflate BCD or bp/w)
A BP/W isn't something that happens over night, it is a gradual process that involves a commitment to the sport, and how it might become more streamline.

For a lot of divers this evolution can only be appreciated when they start off as a BCD owner and then dive a BP/W.

I am one diver among many that never would let go of my BCD, in fact you can look up my old threads and see me defending it until I turned purple in the face. That is okay, and there is nothing wrong in staying with your comfort zone.

However, my diving changed with time and so did my choices in equipment, you will see that not all BCD's are created equal and you when and if you evolve in diving, try a BP/W. You just might fall in love with diving all over again, I know I did.

Safe diving...

Do you believe that there are any applications where a bcj would be a better choice than a bp/w? :) QUOTE]

I think the bcj can be a little safer for the newer divers in some cases. If they have problems at the surface the bcj will tend to float them in a face up position. The bp/w will tend to put them in more of a face down position (hence why ppl like them underwater).
If someone has problems with boyance, changing gear can help, but it's the skill that really needs to improved. A good diver should be able to show good boyance skills no matter what kind of BCD they use..... So again it comes down to preference..:D
Do you believe that there are any applications where a bcj would be a better choice than a bp/w? :) QUOTE]

I think the bcj can be a little safer for the newer divers in some cases. If they have problems at the surface the bcj will tend to float them in a face up position. The bp/w will tend to put them in more of a face down position (hence why ppl like them underwater).
If someone has problems with boyance, changing gear can help, but it's the skill that really needs to improved. A good diver should be able to show good boyance skills no matter what kind of BCD they use..... So again it comes down to preference..:D

While in general you are right, some tools are better for particular job, be it a BCD or something else. You can definitely hit the nails with pliers but a hammer would do this job better :)

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