DMC Questions

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
After about a year of talking about it I finally started DM course a couple weeks ago.

I have some areas of weakness and questions for anyone who has been through DM. I would like to get some tips that would help me in my preparation for for all tests.

1) I stink at floating, I've never been able to do this but I want to score a 5. I 've Googled as much as I can and also went to Youtube to see if I can get any tips in how to back float. Keeping my hands out of the water for the last two minutes seems nearly impossible for me at this point but if I can get some tips on what others who have had difficulty with floating have done perhaps I can do better than I think. I realize that you don't have to float for 13 minutes but I don't see any other way for myself, especially for the last 2 minutes..

2) I noticed while practicing the Tired Diver Tow that it didn't seem to me that I was getting much action form my fins. I was on my back during the tow. I have Tusa split fins. Are split fins a bit of a problem for back kicking? I'm wondering if I should use different fins for the TDT? What have others found?

3) I've been trying to find a configuration for the 800 meter snorkle. As with tired diver tow I'm wondering whether I should use fins without boots? although my fins work great during a dive they seem to just slap the surface of the water when snorkling. Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone experienced the same difficulty? Would fins without boots be better? Would fins without the split work better.

Thanks in advance for any replies, it is greatly appreciated. I just want to score as good as I can on each of the tests. I also welcome advice or tips on any areas I didn't mention, 20 skills, demo, hover, etc.

Of course the thought is not just to pass everythhing but to also be a better diver and better equipped to help others.

Thanks again!
After about a year of talking about it I finally started DM course a couple weeks ago.

I have some areas of weakness and questions for anyone who has been through DM. I would like to get some tips that would help me in my preparation for for all tests.

1) I stink at floating, I've never been able to do this but I want to score a 5. I 've Googled as much as I can and also went to Youtube to see if I can get any tips in how to back float. Keeping my hands out of the water for the last two minutes seems nearly impossible for me at this point but if I can get some tips on what others who have had difficulty with floating have done perhaps I can do better than I think. I realize that you don't have to float for 13 minutes but I don't see any other way for myself, especially for the last 2 minutes..

Can't really address this one. Perhaps the only advice I can give you is to relax. You may also want to try to keep as much air in your lungs as possible to help keep you more buoyant.

2) I noticed while practicing the Tired Diver Tow that it didn't seem to me that I was getting much action form my fins. I was on my back during the tow. I have Tusa split fins. Are split fins a bit of a problem for back kicking? I'm wondering if I should use different fins for the TDT? What have others found?

Paddle fins back fin better than splits. There are some fins such as the Mares Volos that are almost hybrids in that they give you the control of a paddle while being easier to use like a split.

3) I've been trying to find a configuration for the 800 meter snorkle. As with tired diver tow I'm wondering whether I should use fins without boots? although my fins work great during a dive they seem to just slap the surface of the water when snorkling. Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone experienced the same difficulty? Would fins without boots be better? Would fins without the split work better.

Is "slapping the surface" giving you less thrust? If not, the slapping is no big deal. However, if you are kicking too high, you may be wasting a lot of energy with your kick; kick more from the hips, keeping your knees locked. Keep the booties, though.

Bonne chance,
Thanks Submariner!

TDT: Your the second person who mentioned those Mares fins in the same light. I think I can find some to borrow for the TDT. Thanks!

800 meter: Yes, what I meant was it seems the fins don't get the same thrust at the surface as I can generate at depth.

Actually now when I think about it my new booties may have something to do with this, they come up higher past the ankle and are 5mm. I used to have 3mm just below the ankle...kind of a duh moment for me I guess. I saw the posts about whale sharks in another thread and it reminded me that I didn't have any trouble last year snorlking (actually chasing) whale sharks. The only difference between this year and last year is the booties.

Thanks Submariner!

TDT: Your the second person who mentioned those Mares fins in the same light. I think I can find some to borrow for the TDT. Thanks!

800 meter: Yes, what I meant was it seems the fins don't get the same thrust at the surface as I can generate at depth.

Actually now when I think about it my new booties may have something to do with this, they come up higher past the ankle and are 5mm. I used to have 3mm just below the ankle...kind of a duh moment for me I guess. I saw the posts about whale sharks in another thread and it reminded me that I didn't have any trouble last year snorlking (actually chasing) whale sharks. The only difference between this year and last year is the booties.


The height of the booties is much less a factor than how large they are/how well they fit within your fin pocket. IOW, do your heels hang way out the back of the fin?

Frankly, I've always been a fan of booties that come up over the ankle because I hate having fin straps slip off my bootie & chafe my achilles tendon.

Bonne chance,
The only way for you fins to "slap" the water is if they are coming out of the water, and as you may imagine, they don't do much good out of the water!


Borrow some heavier fins and switch back to your other booties. The new ones are thicker and higher, which means more neoprene which means your feet are float on the top of the water.

Also, splits are MUCH less efficient when towing other divers.
Just mailed my application 11 days ago, here is what I did:
#1. This might help out:

#2. I have both the same Tusa splits & mares Plana Quattro; for the TDT I used the mares ones.

#3. for the 800 snorkeling; I used the tusa ones but added some ankle weights to keep my feet below water line (Tusa splits are too light & actually I had them before I took up diving - still good fins though).
maged mmh,

Thanks! I think you're right about the booties and fins.

As for the treading video, I swear she must have Styrofoam in her swimsuit.....she makes it look too easy. I'll try it again as well as the float method.

How did you do in the 400 meter swim? Did you freestyle or use side stroke?

Hiya - my advice - broadly speaking similar to SubMariner... I've watched about 350 DMs do the swim tests (big school over several years!) and the tread is hardest for guys who are well built and muscular - muscle mass is more dense than body fat so therefore it's harder to stay afloat. I am actually negatively buoyant myself (although not in the bodybuilding category! hahah!). The best advice I can give you is (a) to learn technique for treading water. For the first 13 minutes you can float anyway you like - treading water or just floating or bobbing. Some people like to try "drown proofing" which is floating face down and breathing over your shoulder. For the final 2 minutes, hands out of the water I tried to keep a lung full of air for as long as possible, then tread water manically whilst refreshing my air supply. Hard work but not too difficult.

For the 800m - snorkel fins are usually better than booty fins - simply because boots will make your feet a bit more buoyant and you end up slapping the water not finning through it. Some people got over this by finning slightly sideways (keeping face in the water) but most opted to get big paddle type full foot fins. Some split fins are too light for the surface - but twin jet split fins for example are heavy, will remain underwater and give you lots of power. But they are heavy, which means your legs are doing more work.

For the record, Mares volo fins are my personal favourite (splits don't suit my technique).

With the inert diver tow - try pushing the diver using the modified swimmers carry (between the diver's legs, feet on shoulders, bury your face in the water an peddle like fury!) I prefer this position for speed but some people prefer the tank valve tow. Remember for the DM Swim tests, you are not assessed on your technique, just your speed so find something that works for you, it doesn't have to be a perfect rescue type demonstration.

400 m swim - do whatever is comfortable. I've seen swimmers with good technique but not so great stamina do one lap breast stroke or crawl, and the next lap of the pool floating on their backs. It's not elegant but it works. Get some practice in though. If you're a weak swimmer the 400m can be a killer - and many schools (my former place included) will have you do all four excercises in one session.

Good luck and have fun,

maged mmh,

Thanks! I think you're right about the booties and fins.

As for the treading video, I swear she must have Styrofoam in her swimsuit.....she makes it look too easy. I'll try it again as well as the float method.

How did you do in the 400 meter swim? Did you freestyle or use side stroke?

What i did; i just lied down as if i was snorkeling (no snorkel of course) and repeatedly sipped air sideways; for the hands out; tip: remember it is only "hands out" not "arms out" you'll get it I'm sure it's not as hard as it may seem :)
For the 400m: I kept switching from crawl (freestyle) & breast stroke (out of boredom :D)..
I had to repeat it three times though until my instr. was satisfied with the time (although it was still over 5min a bit). :shakehead:

Thanks for the good advice.

I'm going to take your advice and get ahold of some full foot fins, besides the Mares Velocity there was a Aeris fin reccomended to me. I'll look at both. I went to the health club and tried the 800 meter with my booties and slpit fins..........far too much effort expended with my fins but I timed OK, about 14 minutes, I think if I switch fins I can get under 12 minutes.

The 440m swim I think I'll mix in breast stroke and side stroke, maybe the last leg freestyle.

Our instructor had us tow the diver although I'll ask him if he'll let us push the diver, I think that's the fastest.....backfinning I don't think is the most efficient use of effort.

Tread is where I'll die.......I sink. I'll try some of the suggestions. maged mmh had a good suggestion too.

Thanks a bunch!

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