Megalodon Rebreather

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There are no bad rebreathers... only bad divers...? :shocked2:

There were some bad rebreathers early on. Most of them never saw the light of day on a large scale. One was a Biomarine model, there were others. That being said, the adage of being a "highly" alert rebreather diver makes tons of sense.

I was looking at the KISS. I've read that they are unsafe and have many problems..... you also need to buy the parts separate. I don't think rEvo is from America. Megalodon got my interest because it's from America and has great technology.
I was looking at the KISS. I've read that they are unsafe and have many problems..... you also need to buy the parts separate.

Wow... walk away from whomever is telling you this info...

The KISS is a mccr, and for the length of time it has been on the market, has the BEST safety record around..., hands down. Until recently (last few months), it boasted a perfect safety record (and all indications are that incident was health related/not unit related)... No other unit that had been out for any significant amount of time could make that claim. Statistical anomaly or engineering? Attribute of mCCR or eCCR? I don't know, and it's an ongoing point of discussion/contenting inside the rebreather community, but the # speaks pretty highly of itself... (Off the top of my head, I think the rEvo can make this claim as well, but it's only been out a year or so - I think...)

The KISS is sold as a kit..., when you purchase it, you receive it as a box of parts, and during your class you assemble it under the watchful eyes of an instructor... Can you think of a better way to learn the ins and outs of how 'your life support' will function...? (This also eliminates allot of manufacturer liability; most rebreather manufacturers are smaller operations...)

I don't think rEvo is from America.
The rEvo is from Belgium...

Megalodon got my interest because it's from America and has great technology.
Well, lets address these separately.... because there are items to cover...

Made in USA...
When your talking about the 'commercially available to the public' rebreathers (and I'm sure I'll leave some out, but my cruz here is to ignore military 2nd, mk15's, ccr2000's, etc....)... the US is way behind historically speaking.... APD (Inspiration - UK) has been making rebreathers for over 11 years now... Draeger has the Dolphin\Ray, etc, and they've been out for some time... I'd have to go page through one of Jill's books to get the specific time line, but I want to say the Meg (US) and the KISS (Canada) were introduced roughly around a similar time frame (~1999), The Optima (US) maybe ~2005...? Hammerhead (US), 2008/2007...? I don't know the specifics of the Pelagian or weither its fair or not to include the CIS Lunar stuff given the extremely high price tag, and its certainly not 'mass market' like the other units...

Great Technology...
Read up a bit and learn how rebreathers work... After you pull away the shroud of mystery, they become quite simple in theory.... And part of the meg's ruggedness is its simplicity in some areas, and if you look feature by feature when comparing to some of the other units, some could make the claim it falls short. Most notably looking at integrating deco. (Which I actually prefer off board)

Next to ruggedness, the next best feature about the meg is modularity.... Nothing about it is one size fits all... Different 3rd party monitoring options, scrubbers, canister sizes, bottle selections, bottle mounting hardware, wing, harness, heads (mccr, eccr), DSV/FFM, etc...

This looks amazing. That's all I can say. Does anyone dive one and how is it? I need to know if I should start saving now. :D

I've had my Meg about a year and have been very happy with it.

Should you start saving, yes? Saving is always a good thing, regardless what you decide to do with the money.

Should you buy a CCR unit with it? That's a highly personal decision.

It took my buddy and I about 2 years to make the jump. We weighed options and reasons for a long time before switching. I would advise others to do the same.

We chose the Meg for several reasons, but those choices were based on our circumstances. You may find there is a better fit out there for you.

There have been some good responses made by others already.
I was looking at the KISS. I've read that they are unsafe and have many problems..... you also need to buy the parts separate. I don't think rEvo is from America. Megalodon got my interest because it's from America and has great technology.

As net meg said, run from whoever told you this... i'm guessing they are trying to sell you something, like a different rebreather. The kiss units are not so sexy, well, unless they are strapped to a busty chick you want to KISS, then it's all over (those adds were over the top!), but really, they are a lot more impressive in the long run than they look upon first glance. I put Reliablity over vanity any day... they are a proven unit, one of the most field servicable and thus most reliable units out there. I have heard of a few display issues on the early versions but you just don't hear the sentiment you stated above coming from the vast majority of users.

As for the rEvo, I've met Paul and put some time on this rig, and it's pretty impressive. the machining of the unit is pretty impressive. it fits snug on the body, is very stream lined and like the other mCCR's, dealing with any issues seems remarkably dealable.

we owned two eCCR's, and on two trips, within justs a few days into it, one of the two rebreathers had an electrical fault that could not be fixed... these were absolute show stopper problems, ruining both trips. wow, did that change our priorities!

I really like the hardware of the meg, but personally I'm not a fan of the stock electronics, we swapped them out with in-line deco and HUD computers.
I was looking at the KISS. I've read that they are unsafe and have many problems..... you also need to buy the parts separate. I don't think rEvo is from America. Megalodon got my interest because it's from America and has great technology.

As the others have said, someone doesn't know what they are talking about if they said that about a KISS. I'll take a guess though and say it was an optima diver if it was a rebreather diver.

Get the book "Rebreathers Simplified" by Mel Clark. She does a great job of analyzing a lot of rebreathers fairly in the book and covers how all of them work in great detail. Well worth small investment now to better understand and research further. I wish I would have bought her book months before my rebreather purchase not weeks before...not that it would have changed my decision but I would have ordered different parts up front to suit my diving.

My $0.02
I would suggest you sit back and do some reading on the boards like Rebreather World - Rebreathers for Scuba Diving - the next step and The Deco Stop as well as investing in some books by Mel Clark, Jill Heinerth, and various other divers. There is a wealth of information out there on the subject and numerous brands. Most of the brands out there weather eCCR or mCCR have fabulous track records and most research proves that the primary cause of rebreather incidents/deaths is due to error on the users part not because of the machine.

Google is your friend, but dont judge the units based on their website quality (as if any one would) cause many of the better units have not so fabulous sites for good reason... They are always out diving and testing and building plain and simple.
LOLOL! I think I just felt a tremor from South Florida. I think 90% of the F.L.U.B.S. down there are moaning in sync.


I resemble that remark! Oh, and BTW, it's SCRUB (South Coast Rebreather Underwater Bounders), not FLUB. :shakehead:

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