Rebreathers: is it worth it?

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I suspect that you will be fine with a CCR as long as you also have an attentive buddy, and you are attentive to him/her.

Key word is "suspect." There is really no way of knowing.

My instructor said to ALWAYS dive with a buddy.

While there is no way of knowing what if anything would go wrong... the question is can you be prepared.

John Chatterton uses this analogy, "Treat your rebreather like a girlfriend whom you caught cheating on you... You still love her and want to be with her... but you don't fully trust her."

IOW... be prepared for emergencies, like on ANY dive - OC or CCR... complacency kills. Diving in general is us going into a hostile environment where we don't belong. We need to have respect for what we're doing in the water.
"Rebreathers: is it worth it?" For the main stream recreational diver which most of us fall into that general category or sub category -- NO.

I'm currently leaning towards this philosophy myself, but I may change my mind someday. I just don't see where this whole "recreational rebreather" thing is going...
It is simply another step in scuba. Those who have a will or need to dive them, will. Those who are interested, will try them. Those who aren't, won't. Those who are vacation/sporadic divers need to focus on their basics and not delve into a further arena.
I dive them because I can afford to, I Love the effect it gives me for photography(sneak up and not scare the fishies), and I prefer it in my tech diving.
And don't listen to the doomsayers here. They are just trifling. Find out first hand.
Beat the crap out of it with a two by four??

you had the same problem with your G/F is that why you sold your wife?
I'm currently leaning towards this philosophy myself, but I may change my mind someday. I just don't see where this whole "recreational rebreather" thing is going...

I don't think the recreational RB thing went too far. The early units like the Drager Atlantis & ray reduced bubbles for a video, or critter recreational enthusiast. These early stabs at rec. RB's weren't terrific units and most folks (who remained interested) migrated to more capable CCR/MCCR units.

In short, who needs to bother with filling canisters with lime, analyzing gases, disinfecting loops, teardowns etc when you can strap on a single and get 30-40 minutes of time without much fuss and bother? Cheaper too as you don't need the hassle of extra training and the addition of another 3-4K on some mediocre RB unit which becomes another piece of junk in the garage?

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John Chatterton uses this analogy, "Treat your rebreather like a girlfriend whom you caught cheating on you... You still love her and want to be with her... but you don't fully trust her."

Oh wait, when I first read that I thought you were saying it the other way around: treat your rebreather like a girlfriend whom you cheated on! It will behave just fine most of the time, but don't get complacent because one day...
For the OP, I have no idea what it is like in Brazil, but in a lot of places it can be very difficult to get parts or servicing for rebreathers.

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