"Must Read" books for the beach bag

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I read everything I can get my hands on but my favorite has got to be well-written historical romance books. The best I ever read, and my favorite book of all time, is an old one called "Forever Amber", about a 16 yr. old girl who runs off from her small, English village with an English lord who is a supporter of King Charles II, and is returning to London with a group of friends. It chronicles her twisting rise through London society, and there are interesting plots and sub-plots.

This book came out in 1942 and was considered shocking at the time but all America was reading it. If you start on it, you won't be able to put it down.
I read everything I can get my hands on but my favorite has got to be well-written historical romance books.

Not exactly historical but Zorro by Isabel Allende is a great read in that vein.
I am reading A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (Kiterunner)

My main charcter just got her head cut off by the Taliban for running away from her mean husband, after killing him with a shovel.

I also read "I Lost my Love in Bagdad" A true story about a reporter
Cool. How do we get in touch with him to get a copy?
Click on the links. Been reading the second. Not a lot about diving really but sticking with it if that means anything…was looking for a book LOL to read.
Super easy read...... Ray Romano's book.... So funny and such an easy and happy book, sorta biogrpahy-ish haha... One book i really really loved and couldnt put down until it was done was Lovely Bones.... i cant remember the author but hey u can google it... and it was about a girl that gets murdered and then her point of view FROM heaven and what happens with her family and how they go about their lives and try to figure out what happend to their daughter. SUPER GOOOOOOD !
Lately, I have been hooked on Janet Evanovich books. She has a series about a a female bounty hunter with a sassy attitude. It's fun reading, nothing serious or tear jerking. She also has a series about a female that is part of a pit crew of a Nascar driver (whom she also dates) that takes place in Miami. Always a fun mystery with Janet's books!!
I just finished reading I am Madam X by Gioia Diliberto. It's the fictional memior of the woman in John Singer Sargent's painting, Madam X. It tells how her and her mother flee from New Orleans to Paris during the civil war and how she became a "professional beauty", marries young, and how she came to be Sargent's Madam X. Not my usual read, but I and very glad I picked it up off the library shelf. I would give it an 8.
Just read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and am tickled at how much I liked it.
I'm not a big Sci Fi fan but, this one had some pure comedy genius in it.

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