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My wife and I do 2 cruises a year, on several dive excursons I noticed fellow "experienced" divers putting on their bc's BEFOREputting on their tanks!!!! Not my buddy thankyou!!!!!
My wife and I do 2 cruises a year, on several dive excursons I noticed fellow "experienced" divers putting on their bc's BEFOREputting on their tanks!!!! Not my buddy thankyou!!!!!

yeah well its usually the divers that tell everyone how expereinced they are that are the vaccay divers that do the bcd thing above

had one over chrissy, she stood on the boat asking 'where are those tank thingies" but every night was filled with stories of her diving and her experience and her travels(4 dives in 2 years btw)

not the type of people i dive with week to week :wink:
What do you discuss with a new buddy before you hit the water?[/COLOR][/B]
I discuss who gets the gear in case something happens :D The last part of the briefing goes "Good luck and if anything bad happens, I'm not responsible!" :11:

My wife and I do 2 cruises a year, on several dive excursons I noticed fellow "experienced" divers putting on their bc's BEFOREputting on their tanks!!!! Not my buddy thankyou!!!!!
yeah, that's an advanced technique similar to finless entries, diving without a weightbelt, or descending with a snorkel instead of a regulator. When you see people do these, pay attention, you'll learn a lot :wink:
I have to say my telepathy with my Australian dive buddy is getting spooky. She kicks ass, has a sense of humour like almitywife and another good thing...she has twice the air I have when we surface :wink:
She said she would never dive in water under 20 degrees...I turned her to the dark side...shes now a coldwater Aussie diver. opps regressing from topic...
I don't do cattle boat dives and tend to dive with people that are alot more experienced then myself...its good to watch what other people do on the surface and ask some basic questions. You can learn alot about a person even before you hit the water.
Oh, this is fun. :)

It is not without risk though. :no

Seriously, as a diving god, I only worry about really big people, say, around 300+ lbs.

These people are already very, very strong, and if you add panic and it's associated adrenaline rush, then they become invincibly powerful. I keep my distance, like a small sparrow hawk. If they need help, I will signal to them, or else hide, and come up behind them, and help them that way.

Even diving gods have their worries. :14:
The only things to add to the list might be blood type, credit score, and church preference.
good grief El!

Who are you:
• Type certification? whats a certification
• # Of dives? no idea - i dont log
• General experience? yes
• When was your last dive? last weekend

Pre-dive briefing:
• Have you done this type of dive before? what, nekkid? why yes i have :eyebrow:
• Have you been on this site before? it looks familiar
• Lost buddy procedure; yes, ive lost a buddy before
• Minimum gas planning (rock bottom); gas - no, i havent had beans for a while
• Goal for this dive? for me Goal = Jail so no, im not prepared to go to jail for a dive
• Who's the dive leader in the team? i'ld blame him, he was in front
• Relative position in the team. relative, no - hubby and i are married

• Ascend; up
• Descend; down
• Remaining amount of air; actually a very good one as hubby and me are very different as he wont be out of air for about 4 to 6hrs
• (not-)OK; sudden bursts of bubbles and a screaming panic to the surface is usually a dead giveaway
• Equalizing;
• Cold; tell someone who cares
• Safety stop; its sydney shore diving... the trip back is a safety stop
• Stay close;
• "Check please" (need wetnotes); no need to pay us for guiding you
• OOA/OOG; :huh:
• Using the light; we prefer to use the force
• Abort;
• "Glued to (left) shoulder"; (for really bad vis situations). just get out of the water! better things to do than suffer thru bad vis
• Turning the dive.

• Explanation own (DIR) gear; my stuff is yellow, hubbys is the rebreather - wont get them mixed up
• Buddy gear check; yep, you are my buddy
• Modified S-drill; whats a s-drill
• Bubble check. :rofl3: hubby has a rebreather - bubbles are bad, m'kay!

whew - im glad we got that cleared up before your dive next month!

You are way too funny!!!!!!!!!!!:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
I would never interogate someone else like that. If you came to me like that, I would just tell you to find someone else to dive with, as nicely as I could of course.

It's a fairly simple matter to evaluate another diver. Just watching them setup their gear generally tells me everything I need to know. A few basic questions can then fill in any gaps or concerns.

Now if you wanted to start again asking, "what do you look for?" That could be a productive thread, though sure to create controversy.
I would never interrogate someone else like that. If you came to me like that, I would just tell you to find someone else to dive with, as nicely as I could of course.

It's a fairly simple matter to evaluate another diver. Just watching them setup their gear generally tells me everything I need to know. A few basic questions can then fill in any gaps or concerns.
My list is based on my experience. YMMV.

Now if you wanted to start again asking, "what do you look for?" That could be a productive thread, though sure to create controversy.
I'm going to pass, feel feel to start one.

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