Recreational divers, post your rig here, let's share good and bad ideas

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I'm not seeing your spool, your dive light, your knife, your computers, a compass or a snorkel (you may choose not to carry one but on most recreational dive charters it's required). Do you not carry an audible signal device?

If you're going to compare rigs, then post your rig with the gear on it that you use when diving. All of it.

DSMB has pouch, spool is in it.
I already said, (twice now), that my primary dive light attaches to the boltsnap in the pic.
My knife is clearly shown in another pic.
My computer isn't part of my rig, it's on my wrist; likewise for my compass.
My snorkel is attached to my mask, not shown; neither are my fins, boots, rashguard or trunks.
I clearly stated that my whistle is in my left pocket, along with mirror and spare light.


[1] That's an acronym.
Ok so we've got the same danglies. Except I usually carry a reel not a spool.

Welcome to Club Dangly!
Adding a double looped length of 1/4" bungee to your DSMB/reel keeps things tight and streamlined. (edited for much needed clarity) One small loop is permanently attached to bottom of the DSMB fabric tether. The middle straight section of bungee then is wrapped around the reel with the larger secondary bungee loop placed around the coiled DSMB. I have this on my backup DSMB/spool also, however, one loop goes around the entire thumb spool and the second around the coiled DSMB.

DSMB has pouch, spool is in it.
I already said, (twice now), that my primary dive light attaches to the boltsnap in the pic.
You compared your rig to mine with side by side photos, and left off several items that you carry on dives that I show in my picture. It's not a fair comparison.

Plus the snorkel hanging from the mask is the worst type of dangly, especially considering you probably never use it. You're just asking for it to be ripped off your face along with your mask in a strong current, plus the apparently high risk of tangling your head inside a wreck. Part of the bulk of my BCD is an accessory pocket with the snorkel neatly folded inside.
Adding a double looped length of 1/4" bungee to your DSMB/reel keeps things nice and tight. One loop is attached to the DSMB and the other gets wrapped around the reel.
If I understand correctly the SMB is not independently clipped off to the BCD. In which case what do you do with it when you only need to use the reel?
Leave me out of it, will you? I never said anything about a PLB.
Sorry your names are similar and as I started typing the autofill added your name to the tag. I fixed it.
If I understand correctly the SMB is not independently clipped off to the BCD. In which case what do you do with it when you only need to use the reel?
In the event of an emergency the DSMB can be removed from the reel by passing the body of the reel through the cave line attachment loop or simply severed with a line cutter. I occasionally dive wrecks, cenotes and caverns, however, I am not doing some half-assed on the fly technical dive penetration requiring me to tie off line from my primary reel to locate my exit, so it's a nonissue.
I am not doing some half-assed on the fly technical dive penetration requiring me to tie off line from my reel to locate my exit, so it's a nonissue.
You don't run a line when you penetrate wrecks therefore you never use the reel without the SMB so there's no need to attach each piece of gear independently.

Got it. I do run the reel when penetrating wrecks so I need a clip on my SMB.
You don't run a line when you penetrate wrecks therefore you never use the reel without the SMB so there's no need to attach each piece of gear independently.

Got it. I do run the reel when penetrating wrecks so I need a clip on my SMB.
you may want to consider carrying a separate reel for wreck navigation, and keeping your smb rigged up with a safety spool/or small reel you will use to deploy it. for example in case the primary reel you are using for navigation gets fouled up or you need to ascend from wherever you are and can't travel back to your primary tie-off.

also, you don't really need a clip on the end of your line. a loop large enough to pass the reel through will work for tying it off to something. tie an extra small loop at the end of that and it gives you something to pull on to untie it.
you may want to consider carrying a separate reel for wreck navigation, and keeping your smb rigged up with a safety spool/or small reel you will use to deploy it. for example in case the primary reel you are using for navigation gets fouled up or you need to ascend from wherever you are and can't travel back to your primary tie-off.

also, you don't really need a clip on the end of your line. a loop large enough to pass the reel through will work for tying it off to something. tie an extra small loop at the end of that and it gives you something to pull on to untie it.
I do exactly that, I have a finger spool that I bring in addition to the reel when I plan a wreck penetration.

To that second part:

Ok.. a large loop on the end of the reel line that I can pass the reel through rather than a clip makes sense. I suppose the loop gets hooked to the bolt snap that clips the reel to the D ring?

But you lost me with adding an extra small loop to untie it. Please elaborate.
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