Disturbing trend in diving?

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I don't hear anyone saying any such thing (that DSDs as so dangerous that there are large numbers of divers getting un-live in them).

This thread had nothing to do with the safety of DSD programs until somebody introduced a red herring to the thread.
This is a valid point, and my first two questions above both are the results of posts not directly related to the original post. I am going to report my own post to ask the mods if they think they should be moved to their own thread to not further contribute to...
Reading through this thread again, and in the spirit of the forum it is posted in ("Basic Scuba" - a Learning Zone with special rules), I have three questions specific to my situation. I'm not trying to :stirpot:, nor hijack the thread - I think they are in line with the original post (but mods, please correct me if I'm wrong):

First some background: My wife is a non-diver. Loves marine life (to the point where she admirably tolerates my amateurish, below-average-quality videos of the marine life I interact with on my dives). However, she has a phobia about water (not the surface, she's amazing in a canoe!) but being face-down in it. It is the result of falling off of a dock as a toddler at a lake in northern Canada where she grew up. The only reason she did not drown is because her aunt happened to see her fall and was able to grab one foot before she descended further. It seems it was sufficiently traumatic that even snorkeling for her is a real challenge - and as soon as she is in water over her head a familiar panic begins to set in, and she quickly retreats to a "safer" area.

So, when our sister-in-law decided she wanted to get scuba certified a few years and asked me if I would accompany her so she wouldn't be doing it alone, my wife emphatically refused to entertain our offer to have her join us. We didn't push it - we know better.

Fast forward to a few months ago, and seeing how much we love diving she is actually beginning to consider a Discover Scuba Dive as envisioned and implemented by a certain professional association of dive instructors. I was... shocked. And overjoyed. And trying to reign in my enthusiasm for that idea so I don't push her away...

... but ...

I now have some questions.

  1. Is scuba diving really only for those already comfortable in the water beforehand? I don't recall that as a requirement for certification, but is it unwise for those who are not already competent swimmers to take it up? At our age, my wife's comfort level in the water is what it is, it isn't going to change anytime soon. My personal opinion is that if she can learn to dive and the underwater environment is really not as scary as it was to that three-year-old that fell off a dock, it might improve her comfort level considerably. Am I wrong to think that?

  2. My own experience with a DSD was probably non-standard. Boat dive (rolling off the side) and we went down a mooring line to a depth of ~25 feet. Well, I went down. The instructor and my sister-in-law stayed at the surface working out a couple of issues. When I got to the bottom I realized (for the first time - my situational awareness was zero at the time) that I was by myself, and looked up. The instructor, from 25 feet above (decent vis in Roatan at the time!) signaled if I was OK. I signaled back that I was, so he signaled to stay there, kneel in the sand (GASP!), and wait for them. So I did. And discovered the truth of what he had already taught us - that when you breathe in, you go up (in my case, knees lifting off the bottom), and when you breathe out, you go down (knees hit sand, check!). So I experimented more with that and discovered (it really was a DSD!) that you breathe in more, you go up more, and breathe out more, you go down more. Buoyancy 101, on the DSD, on my own. And then I got distracted by a southern stingray a few feet away (situational awareness improved, check!), and that was the end of the experimentation and the beginning of the discovery of what scuba is really all about for me. Shortly afterward I was joined by the instructor and my dive buddy and off we went what was to me exploring a wonderful world for the first time, and just another day at the office for our instructor.

    But - is the DSD really so dangerous that there is considerable risk of it only adding to my wife's trauma? I understand that there is some risk of that, and so does she. But realistically and objectively, is that risk considerable? If so, I likely need to abandon the idea of my wife ever joining me on a dive - and I can certainly accept that over putting her at risk.

  3. In my ideal world, my wife does a DSD and loves it 1/10 as much as I did mine and so decides it is worth the time, expense, and mental effort to work at overcoming her phobia to enough of an extent that she can be certified by the aforementioned professional association of dive instructors as an open water diver. And she accomplishes that. However, she is then very likely to decide that she doesn't want to deal with a computer or NDL limits or any of the more technical aspects of diving and will rely on me for those "details" (can't imagine her not using an SPG though, she'd never go that far).

    By many standards, even the one that I myself expressed a few posts back, in that case my wife would not be considered a "competent" diver. But I was dead wrong in that post. If she actually got to that point, I would consider her not only competent but "masterful", considering where she came from. And since I have no idea what the circumstances are of anyone else in my dive group that I am not previously acquainted with, I need to avoid judging their competence at all.

    My third question is this: My wife and I would be, now knowingly, contributing to what may be a "distrubing trend in diving". Are we considered to be wrong to even consider her starting down this path? And as a followup - if we did it anway, would we still be welcome as members of the diving community?
If you choose to answer any of these questions, be honest - you won't offend me. And I genuinely want to hear the opinions of those more experienced than I am on the topic. Which, I think, is almost every single poster to this thread so far...
I think in your wife's case, she would need to work in the water a lot to gain comfort and take control, initially just getting in a pool and swimming/ treading water, starting in the shallow end and working on being able float at the deep end and eventually swim some laps face down. Comfort in the water is 99% a mental game and the rest is technique.
There are water/swimming coaches for adults that have deep rooted water issues exactly like your wife that are pro's at working people through this.
I also recommend snorkeling then some light breath hold freediving even if it's in a pool to build comfort.
DSD is great and easy for some. The modern gear is so easy to use. The masks are comfortable and fit well with great peripheral vision and the regs breathe easy and give plenty of air. If everything goes well everybody has a good time. But for someone that is marginally comfortable in the water all it takes is for someone to knock their mask off or dislodge it and flood it or knock a reg out with a flailing fin kick and it can easily spiral into an unpleasant situation. People can still get hurt in 20' or 40' of water even with a DM leading the group.
I think in your wife's case, she would need to work in the water a lot to gain comfort and take control, initially just getting in a pool and swimming/ treading water, starting in the shallow end and working on being able float at the deep end and eventually swim some laps face down. Comfort in the water is 99% a mental game and the rest is technique.
There are water/swimming coaches for adults that have deep rooted water issues exactly like your wife that are pro's at working people through this.
I also recommend snorkeling then some light breath hold freediving even if it's in a pool to build comfort.
DSD is great and easy for some. The modern gear is so easy to use. The masks are comfortable and fit well with great peripheral vision and the regs breathe easy and give plenty of air. If everything goes well everybody has a good time. But for someone that is marginally comfortable in the water all it takes is for someone to knock their mask off or dislodge it and flood it or knock a reg out with a flailing fin kick and it can easily spiral into an unpleasant situation. People can still get hurt in 20' or 40' of water even with a DM leading the group.
The challenge we have is there really aren't great options for swimming in pools where we live, nor the professional coaches. So we are a bit constrained in that regard.

Your point is very well taken about someone else taking out her mask or regulator, though. A DSD for her would be her, the instructor, me and possibly our two dive buddies visiting if we did it at the time of year they usually come (likely not - there is better weather on Roatan at other times of year for my wife to do a DSD...) That could possibly cost extra, depending on how busy the shop was. I wouldn't care 😆
The challenge we have is there really aren't great options for swimming in pools where we live, nor the professional coaches. So we are a bit constrained in that regard.

Your point is very well taken about someone else taking out her mask or regulator, though. A DSD for her would be her, the instructor, me and possibly our two dive buddies visiting if we did it at the time of year they usually come (likely not - there is better weather on Roatan at other times of year for my wife to do a DSD...) That could possibly cost extra, depending on how busy the shop was. I wouldn't care 😆
How about doing some snorkeling? Just face down with mask on and breathing through a snorkel does wonders.
I think just go for it. A two person DSD, just you, her and your instructor. If your instructor is worth their salt they’ll start you off gently and work safely within her level of comfort. In easy conditions, directly supervised, taken slowly and with no one else around her, there is very little that goes wrong. And if she feels uncomfortable she can slow down or go to the surface, and if she feels really uncomfortable she can call it. Ultimately who cares about disturbing trends - this is only about you and her and what you want to get out of it.
How about doing some snorkeling? Just face down with mask on and breathing through a snorkel does wonders.
Yes, absolutely - we do that now. She's all good until she gets into "deep" (aka the bottom is farther down than she is tall) water. Or a leg cramp. Or a leaky mask. Stuff that of course we need to know how to deal with as divers too - so there is definitely the Roatan West Bay equivalent of "pool work" that we can (and will) do before getting too serious about her as a diver. Which is partly why the DSD - personally I find it easier to clear a leg muscle cramp at 60 feet than I do on the surface...

As you mentioned, we know it's 99% mental. She's even more of a "warm water, pretty fish" person than I am. When distracted by lots of pretty fish, her fear of being "in the water" goes away. Not as many pretty fish where we snorkel than there were 30 years ago of course. But the girl has eyes for critters that I am totally envious of. One afternoon we were snorkeling together and she gets my attention and is gesturing and pointing for all she's worth. I'm floating there looking where she's pointing and seeing nothing... until it moved. Peacock flounder, so perfectly camoflauged in West Bay sand that it was impossible (for me) to see. She does this consistently - partly why I want her as a dive buddy so she can spot all the things I miss :)

The instructor I have in mind for this project, if it happens, knows her story. And knows that mask clearing (and leg cramp management) will be skills that they are going to rehearse about a hundred times in confined water before they ever do the actual DSD.
Reading through this thread again, and in the spirit of the forum it is posted in ("Basic Scuba" - a Learning Zone with special rules), I have three questions specific to my situation. I'm not trying to :stirpot:, nor hijack the thread - I think they are in line with the original post (but mods, please correct me if I'm wrong):
I think it is great that the wife is willing to try! Seriously that is a big step - even if she eventually fails, attempting to face your own phobias is a big f'n deal. I have a few that torment me.

If she can comfortably snorkel, I think it highly likely that she can learn to scuba. It may just take time and patience.

I do know of an exception however. A guy I know pretty well was a decent freediver, able to hunt down to at least 80 feet and do it comfortably. However, I also know that he subsequently got certified. He was scuba diving with an acquaintance in just 80 feet and apparently had a panic attack and just shed his scuba at 80 and shot to the surface. The gear was working fine, but he just freaked out.

It is hard for me to imagine how someone can be like this, but phobias aren't necessarily logical.
the wife is willing to try
She's not quite "willing to try" yet. I would say she's considering being willing to try. And that, in itself, is huge!

I have my own phobias too - one is a tendency toward claustrophobia, which now that one knows that maybe helps one understand my current attitudes towards cave and wreck diving :) and would definitely make me less than "competent" for a good while in those settings. Honestly we thought that would prevent me from scuba period, particularly swim-throughs and other "tight-ish" space underwater. Or wearing a wetsuit.

Oddly enough, it doesn't bother me as much underwater, as long as I can either see light at the end or else above (preferably above). As you say, phobias aren't necessarily logical... And a wetsuit, at least a 3mm shorty, as confining as it feels, is preferable to feeling cold in 26C water 😆. So I'm not fully ruling out cave or wreck diving in the future. Just... no time soon.

Edit: Just realized I didn't comment on that "exception" you mentioned. First, sorry to hear that happened to him. Second, that's a great cautionary tale for us to keep in mind in making decisions about this. Phobias aren't rational, and if one "takes control" even temporarily underwater the results could be catastrophic...
  1. Is scuba diving really only for those already comfortable in the water beforehand? I don't recall that as a requirement for certification, but is it unwise for those who are not already competent swimmers to take it up?

No, but it really helps.

For example, as a competitive swimmer you get so much chlorinated water up your nose over time, that if it happens during the mask clearing exercise you just shrug it off as another day in the pool. It can really sting though, and send an unprepared person coughing and spluttering to the surface (with the attendant risk of AGE).

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