Getting cigarette smell out of a used wetsuit?

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Indiana Dunes
Hi folks, there's a wetsuit I want to get and I found a used one, worn two times, for less than half what the suit sells for (brand new costs around $350).

I asked the seller about odors and they did say that their house isn't smoke free.

I really hate the scent of cigarettes! But, I've read people mention amazing seeming products that deal with funky odors in wetsuits and I wonder if any of you have tried to get cigarette smell out of one. Did you have success or failure? Should I try?

It took me a long time of washing powder soaks and diving to de cigarette stench a bcd, and I smoked
Perhaps the wetsuit has managed to find itself a smokefree nook inside the house that isn't smoke free

I asked the seller about odors and they did say that their house isn't smoke free.

Did you read this before you pressed send
OdoBan (Pro-Dive divesuit cleaner), google it.

Wearing another persons wetsuit is kinda gross, no telling what they have been doing in there, yuk. OdoBan should kill any odors and bacteria. Steramine should double kill any bacteria.

You can drop a Steramine pill in your BC bladder also, rinse and drain.
Pee in it several times, soon you’ll miss the cigarette smell.

We were all thinking the same, only you wrote it out and hit the send button.
Hi folks, there's a wetsuit I want to get and I found a used one, worn two times, for less than half what the suit sells for (brand new costs around $350).
Assuming this isn't a local seller? If it was, the answer is simple - see how stinky it is when you go try it on. If the suit is something you'd be getting shipped, unless you've tried on the exact same model of suit in that size and you know it fits, it should probably be a hard pass whether it smells like an ashtray or not. An ill-fitting suit isn't worth wearing, even for free.

If you know its exactly what you want, I'd be surprised if a little enzyme cleaner and mild detergent couldn't get you all fixed up, but I personally I'd rather work a day of overtime and buy a suit that fits right and smells like a new car than save the $100 and wear a baggy suit that reminds me someone else's business has been rubbing around in it, even if only twice.

Once your suit starts smelling like Lex is hinting, at least it will be YOUR stink, and probably less icky.
Just saying guys and ladies, OdoBan Diver will remove most bad smells and is designed specifically for the purpose and it kills bad bacteria. Steramine is not really a deodorizer but it will kill bad stuff and neither will cause harm to wetsuits, drysuits, BCs etc. Steramine can also be used to swish second stages in to kill off (due mostly peoples paranoia) any germs that might reside therein.

Good ol'Woolite can also be used on wetsuits and other fabric materials for a gentle cleaning. It just takes a little bit, do not fill the bathtub or rinse tank full up and then pour a whole bottle in, that is like 10000X overkill.

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