Question Glove and pee systems

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I'm new to dry suits and I've been spending some quality time on the Seaskin website to kit out what I want, I mostly have everything down to what I want, but I have a few questions:

1. I was thinking I'd get the Sitech peevalve, but maybe I should get the LM tinkle? I'd be open to hear about pee valves, because I can't tell the difference between any of them, except for price! I will be getting one

2. Glove systems... I'm confused by a couple things:
a. I was thinking I'd get the Kubi Fitted dry cuff system, do I need the Neo Kubi Ring Covers? I don't understand what they are.
b. some people say the sitech oval cuff rings + rolock 90s are better, and I'm open to considering that as an option, but I dont really understand why one might be better than the other, or how to pick.
c. others say SHOWA720s are the way to go, do those fit with the sitech oval cuff rings, if I went with 720s, would I not get rolocks?
d. do I need to get extra wrist seals in case things go bad, like neck seals?

3. hood, do I get a hood built in, buy something or what?

4. I was going to just get two regular sized bellows pockets, but there are these expedition pockets, why are those better?

5. I read here that people complaining about the braces (suspenders) not working well, do the larger brace help?

If you want to know what I've settled on, in case you have opinons:

Red and black, with red stitching
Telescoping torso system
Main body dry suit zip cover (red)
Quick neck system with siflex seal
DIR dump valve position
Sitech Valve system including hose (not exactly sure what this is for)
Compressed neoprene socks
Seaskin braces pocket for 25mm elastic (sometimes you gotta have your valuables with you and waterproof)
Knife attachment patch on right calf, inside seam
Trilobyte Eezecut on my left forearm
Some extra neck seals

Thanks for helping the newbs!
Kubi are great. You can use any glove you want with them, just have to put them on. That applies to pretty much any dry glove system.

The covers give a level of protection and would prevent anything from lodging between the rings and popping them open. They're pictured below.

Go with the 40mm braces. They support your suit until you put the top on, give them the most material you can.

Bigger pockets are better. I have the zippered ones and they're great. Pic below.

Pee valve info below. The trigon is stupid simple and just works. No plug to remove, no need to prime, just works.

Cover pulled back

Cover pulled over

Showa 660 installed on kubi ring

2 zippered pockets. Ring covers visible. Trigon pee valve visible on left leg.
Ok, my understanding of reading that Pee valve thread is that I would need a few bits to make it work:

1. Wideband Rochester catheter, sized (maybe from amazon, maybe from Homepage - Medical Monks)
2. Some kind of quick connect system (looks like these two items, I'm unsure of the size for a trigon system: McMaster-Carr and McMaster-Carr
3. wipes (Smith & Nephew Skin-Prep Protective Barrier Wipes)
4. squeeze bottle
5. steramine, white vinegar
6. maybe a "beard" trimmer
Kubi are great. You can use any glove you want with them, just have to put them on. That applies to pretty much any dry glove system.

Great to hear about the Kubi's thanks! I read two threads saying that the Kubi's popped off at 90', so it made me wonder a little bit about the Rolock 90s, are they "more" secure? Are they easier to use, or more complicated?
Kubi are great. You can use any glove you want with them, just have to put them on. That applies to pretty much any dry glove system.

The covers give a level of protection and would prevent anything from lodging between the rings and popping them open. They're pictured below.

Go with the 40mm braces. They support your suit until you put the top on, give them the most material you can.

Bigger pockets are better. I have the zippered ones and they're great. Pic below.

Pee valve info below. The trigon is stupid simple and just works. No plug to remove, no need to prime, just works.

Cover pulled back
View attachment 832745
Cover pulled over
View attachment 832746
Showa 660 installed on kubi ring
View attachment 832747
2 zippered pockets. Ring covers visible. Trigon pee valve visible on left leg.
View attachment 832748

I notice you went with the kevlar knee pads. Other threads here seem to say don't bother with reinforcements. I was thinking of getting some on the back (for my backplate) and knees, but I got talked out of the back reinforcement, but looking at your knees makes me wonder if that might be a good idea, do you think it was worth that?
Great to hear about the Kubi's thanks! I read two threads saying that the Kubi's popped off at 90', so it made me wonder a little bit about the Rolock 90s, are they "more" secure? Are they easier to use, or more complicated?
My personal opinion, RoLock is better and more secure, KUBI has its fans and is also a great system so it just a matter of picking one, with KUBI you are stuck with the choice which is not necessarily a bad thing, with SiTech oval you can try other systems, but you won’t want to.
I notice you went with the kevlar knee pads. Other threads here seem to say don't bother with reinforcements. I was thinking of getting some on the back (for my backplate) and knees, but I got talked out of the back reinforcement, but looking at your knees makes me wonder if that might be a good idea, do you think it was worth that?
I don’t feel the need for any of the additional reinforcement but I don’t make a habit of spending time on my knees like some of the others here. ;j
I was pretty sold on the brass zipper, considering its tried and true, but I think boarderguy regrets that on his third time through the seaskin site, he screwed up and forgot to change that, I'm wondering how bad is the brass? With the diagonal front zip, it doesn't seem like it would be that bad.
I was pretty sold on the brass zipper, considering its tried and true, but I think boarderguy regrets that on his third time through the seaskin site, he screwed up and forgot to change that, I'm wondering how bad is the brass? With the diagonal front zip, it doesn't seem like it would be that bad.
Brass is ok, plastic is better. Brass seals by squeezing two pieces of material together, the compression of the sealing material starts to take a set after time (why you always store with the zip open) the edges of the material will fray and require some trimming (I use a lighter and burn the bits off) or the threads can get caught and cause some leaking. Brass require close inspection and lubing often, brass is harder to zip and one day you’ll notice it zipping easy and smooth, this is when you start shopping for the place who will be replacing said brass zipper because it’s about to start leaking all the time.

I have both, I use the plastic more because I find it better is every respect.
Great to hear about the Kubi's thanks! I read two threads saying that the Kubi's popped off at 90', so it made me wonder a little bit about the Rolock 90s, are they "more" secure? Are they easier to use, or more complicated?
I've heard of exactly 2 instances having happened. 90% of my dives are below 100. The key is to have your gloves set on the rings so there is room for full extension without putting pressure on the rings.
I notice you went with the kevlar knee pads. Other threads here seem to say don't bother with reinforcements. I was thinking of getting some on the back (for my backplate) and knees, but I got talked out of the back reinforcement, but looking at your knees makes me wonder if that might be a good idea, do you think it was worth that?
I have full rein. I would do without the crotch. I'm happy with the knee, back, and shoulder and would do it again. I shore dive and the oysters/barnacles will try to cut my suit when I trip in unseen rocks.

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