Going by the OP's profile info and comments he's using a metal detector to recover artifacts from fairly shallow water.Looks like their 58 lbs doubles wing. Why are you using a doubles wing for single tank diving?
Maybe he massively overweights himself to make excavation easier?
There's also the possibility that he's using his wing's lift to bring his gear and finds to the surface. I only mention this because he states he's a new diver and may not realize how dangerous that is.
@calabash digger - if this is what you are doing, it's not safe. The wing should only have enough air in it to keep you neutral. Use a separate lift bag or bags for your stuff, the general rule is use one for anything that is over 15 pounds negative. The problem is that if your wing is overinflated to compensate for your stuff and you drop it, you are going to shoot to the surface.