Late to the party, as usual, but I'll throw in my $.02 anyway seeing as how I currently dive a Zeagle Brigade, which is a Ranger with a 34 lb Escape bladder. It's my first BC and so far it's been great! I've learned how to dive it, where to place weights, how to get in good trim, how to get in and out of it....don't know that there's really a whole lot more I could learn about it. I'm also about your size...same height, but about 50 lbs lighter. I don't remember off the top of my head what the sizes of each individual piece of my BC is, but I could look and tell you. Certainly happy to do that if you want. But I'll say two things:
1. If you like the Ranger better, don't settle for something "lesser". And I'm not at all saying Hog is a lesser product...I dive a D3 1st stage with a Classic 2.0 2nd (when I'm not diving my ffm) and will absolutely buy another when I finally get off my ass and go sidemount/doubles. What I'm saying is if you have your heart set on the Zeagle, don't settle for something else that you don't feel would be as good just to have something. It's worth the wait.
2. As a Zeagle diver, I can tell you honestly I'm in the market for a BP/W and have been for some time. Not because I don't love my Zeagle because I absolutely do and may consider one for my son as his first BC if I don't put him in a BP/W first. I just want something I can use for multiple types of diving. If I want to run single tank, backmount doubles, sidemount...whatever I want to dive, having one rig that can do all of those things would be preferable. That's why I want to move over to a BP/W. So just food for thought.
If you're not absolutely sold on that Hog (and wow 60 lb wing?) I'd consider returning it and getting what you really want. I hate waiting for things as much as anyone but if it's something I'm dead set's worth it because I know I won't be happy if I get something else just to have something.