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My sig tends to be a reflection of something I'm thinking about. Case in point, the NASCAR points system. While Daytona this weekend was an AWESOME race, I still don't like the new points system...and I can't go without mentioning the old "Iceman" and hi s return to victory lane last season. That sure was a great race in Darlington last year.

OH yeah..there are loads and loads of simpsons quotes.
Mine is pretty vague having only 3 latin words seperated by periods. Here is the literal translation of each:

veneficus : poisonous, magical /witch, wizard, caster of spells.
fidelis : faithful, loyal, true.
somnium : dream, fancy, day-dream /foolishness, nonsense.

There was greater intent when initially trying to peice this together.. something about magic in staying loyal the your dreams. Its starting to make more sense to just shorten it to:

insequor : to follow, pursue,
somnium : dream, fancy, day-dream /foolishness, nonsense.

Insequor Somnium - Follow your Dreams
Cave Diver:
I believe it's in reference to a recent rule change in NASCAR which has taken some of the competition because of the way points are awarded.'s the whole deal...

This is essentially a chain of events that happened beginning at the end of last season that will literally change NASCAR's premire racing series as it has been known for about 30 years, or what is called the "modern era".

1 - Major sponsor change....Winston is out and <gasp> Nextel is in.

2 - They are moving races around (i.e. Darlington's race in Sept. will now be in Nov.) and they're talking about making the 2nd Daytona race (traditionally run on July 4th weekend) the season finale... Both of these races are long standing "holiday races" and there's a lot of pride in winning these particular events...much like the Brickyard 400 carries a good deal of prestige.

3 - Governing officialls modify the points system and create a "chase for the champinship". I have the details if you'd like, but the bottom line is after 26 races, the top 10 in cumulative points are selected and start on only a slightly biased playing field for the last 10 races of the season. Here's a thread

This changes essentially mark a huge turning point in NASCAR's history...I guess I could change my sig to let the former Winston Cup series RIP as NASCAr is clearly still a thriving body, and will be for some time. Many people (myself included) aren't real happy with the new points has pros and cons...but there's really not a lot I or anyone else can do about it. Is racing going to die? I highly doubt it....will it be different ? you better believe it. For instance Bill Elliot (former most popular driver for 10 consecutive years...maybe more) is only running an abbreviated schedule this year. Many say that this big change wouldn;t have come about if Dale Jr. would have won the championship last season...frankly time will tell if this is a good or bad thing, I for one don't like it, but I'm going to have to get used to it.

I have worked in research for 35 years and we always have someone who is the Subject Matter Expert (SME). When I came across this quote - it just seemed to fit. It also seems to apply to many people who feel like their answer is the ONLY one. This is not a dig at DIR. :wink:
I used to have one similar to scubajoe's. I paraphrased Ben Franklin's quote. I too am very concerned about the direction in which our country is moving. No one ever said that Freedom = Safety and Security. It never has and it never will. I now use a quote from a much respected author who knew what he was talking about.
Thanks Big T. I asked my boyfriend if NASCAR had been eliminated. He looked at me like I was an idiot. I showed him your sig. line & he said he didn't know what it meant.

Your explaination has cleared up all the mystery for me.
My sig. line is pretty cut & dried.

If you had to cheat to win than it really doesn't count. I'm not sure how some people can look themselves in the mirror.

It took me almost 2 years to find something that I really liked, for my signature line.
Thanks Big T. I asked my boyfriend if NASCAR had been eliminated. He looked at me like I was an idiot. I showed him your sig. line & he said he didn't know what it meant.
There is a lot of un-rest with many of the long-time fans of NASCAR who now consider NASCAR to in a sense be "dead". The last time the points system was changed was in 1975...not a whole lot of people were watching it back then...heck, I wasn't even born yet. Loads of people watched Dale Sr., DW, The King, Benny Parsons, Fireball Roberts, Cale Yarborough, etc., etc, battle it out and earn a championship under the old points system. It has a lot of tradtion and is the standard that this new system will be measured against. Frankly, I still don't like a matter of fact, I hate the new points system, but racing is still going to be racing. I firmly believe that after about 20 races, this new "system" is going to have an impact on the way people drive and approach their races...many reasons...I'm not going into all of them here...but I don't think it will be considered a "success" by NASCAR unless Jr, Harvick, JG, or someone "marketable & flashy" wins the cup.
The Beware!!! Contents and Author under pressure is really just a play on words, although the author being under pressure might be a subconscious play on words too. As for the Abyss part, I saw the quote at the very beginning of the movie 'The Abyss'. It got me reading Friedrich Nietzche at 14 years old, which then led me to reading Freud. I've since concluded that in many resepcts, Nietzche and Freud were frauds. But some things they stated hold true, the abyss quote is one.

It refers to us looking at the devil within, but that it too looks into us.
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