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I've changed and added to mine - again to match whatever statement I felt like making at the time. I had some references to diving styles for awhile, but came to realization one day that I really DIDN'T care what others thought about my diving style and that all internet arguements are just plain silly. That's when I added the Oscar Wilde quote.:D

The others just came from my fun loving irreverant side ;).

How did you decide what, if anything, to put in your signature line?

The rest gets changed every couple of weeks. Usually lyrics to music that has moved me. Sometimes I'm just being a smartalek, sometimes I'm too bitter not to share.

Its a moment in time, that's just for me.

Mine is what I really want.

On another scuba board (can I say that?!?!), an Asian based one, it is "Eating shark fins makes you impotent. Spread the word." I live in Singapore so that one is pretty obvious. I see fewer and fewer sharks on the dives out here and it's making me sick. Just last weekend, I found a 30" baby nurseshark in a fish cage - I almost cried.

A final one that I often use and try hard to live by was borrowed from an unknown author: "Never argue with an idiot. People may not be able to tell the difference." ... Again, rather obvious.
Interesting thread. I used to use "meaningful" signature lines but lately have just been using a link to my site.

Maybe I'll go back to meaningful quotes for a bit just for fun.

I very much believe that the only stupid question is the one unasked (although people seem to get pounded for the asking). I have also found that someone asking a question will as often as not make you come up with a new opinion or alter how you feel about a subject, whether or not you happen to like the outcome of that change.
I actually had a very difficult time deciding on which quote to use. Mary Chapin Carpenter is an incredible lyricist--this particular quote just reflected my general beliefs in a very short phrase, though taken out of context here.
IE, life hands you both good and bad things....sometimes, it's what you do with it and how you choose to react that determines the final outcome. And that life is often what we make of it.
Though for me, I still have to remember it regularly as a reminder, as I'm still fairly young to always get it right!

I also saw Big-T's and wondered what the reference was as well.....hopefully he will chime in!
I also saw Big-T's and wondered what the reference was as well.....hopefully he will chime in!

I believe it's in reference to a recent rule change in NASCAR which has taken some of the competition because of the way points are awarded.
So for me a good day of work was a day of bad diving.

You should see the stuff that I would normally dive in, we would usually refer to it as water but it was mostly closer to soup.

Now that physical problems prevent me from diving (working dives at least) I make it past tense. :(
Mine is a political statement which I think illustrates the dangerous direction our country is taking and the wisdom of our forefathers.

I like the BP vs. Jacket arguments; hence the first quote.

The second quote refers to the fact that I prefer to take the extra time and effort to do things correctly. I don't see the point in doing something poorly repeatedly.

I put my name in the signature because I think that if you post something, you should own up to it.

I'll probably take out the NAUI Instructor part because NAUI has been pissing me off lately.
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