Typical normoxic dives (35-55m) I'll run 80-85. Deeper and longer 90. Shallower (but longer) I run very conservatively (60-70), I've seen too many hits on 30-40m dives vs 60-90m.
The ideal answer would be to experiment yourself, because your body is different from everybody elses, and decompression is a complex biochemical reaction. However... I struggle to get a significant baseline (enough dives) to get a good guideline. On 40-60m dives I've done enough dives to know how I react (close to 200), but deeper longer dives I don't... but that's also where it becomes more complicated and a general doesn't apply anymore... so it stays a bit black magic.
Next to deco plan and/or shearwater I also check the average depth at certain depths to see if I'm on deco target, meaning on deeper dives I don't want to get out of the water with an avg depth of more than x and I also don't want to move up from 9 to 6m before my avg depth reaches a certain depth even if the plan or computer says I can move up.
I'm not going to mention the depths I use, because I don't want to feel responsible for someone elses experimenting, but I'm sure if you do enough dives you'll see a certain correlation.
PS: I see someone else already mentioned avg depth (Ralph) ;-)